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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School


On behalf of the Governors I welcome you to St Peter's C of E Primary School where 'Every Child of God Matters'. 

Together the Governing Body have a range of knowledge, skills and experience to enable the school to run as effectively as possible and they aim to provide strategic leadership and school vision working alongside the Headteacher.

The Governing Body are also responsible for policy, budgeting, staffing and they act as critical friends, challenging key decisions and asking pertinent questions about performance data.

They contribute to the School Development Plan, monitor progress and evaluate the School’s effectiveness.


Governors at St Peter's visit the school, talk to children and staff, attend events and meet regularly. The FULL GOVERNING BODY meet once a term following two committee meetings; RESOURCES, which has responsibility for health and safety, buildings, staffing and finance and CURRICULUM, which ensures the curriculum meets statutory requirements and the needs of our children, contributes to the School Development Plan and monitors pupil progress.


The Governing Body uses The Local Authority Governor Services to clerk meetings and provides advice. They are contactable on 01254 220904


Mrs Crowther

Governor Declarations of Interest




Our Governors have made the following declarations in relation to their business interests although the school does not trade with or receive any benefits from these businesses.


Governors are also asked to declare any potential conflicts of interest arising from any matter or agenda item discussed by the Governing Body and its Committees at each meeting and this is formally recorded.

The following declarations have been made by individual Governors:



Appointment Date

End Date



Miss C Pike



Foundation Governor

Voluntary director of the YMCA (social housing) and of SMILE (mediation)

Mrs G Ackroyd



Foundation Governor

Nothing to declare

Mrs C Crowther




Head Teacher

Nothing to declare

Mrs A Nundy 



Staff Governor

Nothing to declare

Mr A Iqbal


28/06/202327/06/2027LA GovernorNothing to declare

Mrs A Roadley


Foundation Governor

Nothing to declare

Rev A Holmes





Nothing to declare

Mrs S Shafi



Parent Governor

Nothing to declare

Mrs F Shafi



Parent Governor

Nothing to declare

Hello Parents and Carers,


I have been a school governor at St Peter's for many years and became Chair of Governor a few years ago.

I enjoy being involved in the school and visit regularly to participate in whole school worship as well as going along to help on some of the school trips and getting involved with some activities, such as music. The children also spot me regularly when they come across to church for the Wednesday morning services. It is great when they spot me out and about in town or the shops and come to say hello! One or two even found me whilst I was volunteering in the vaccination centre!

I want our school to offer the best opportunities to every child and work hard with the staff and the governor team to try and achieve this in a happy and friendly environment.

When not at school, I am heavily involved in Girlguiding and run 2 Brownie units in Burnley, I sing with 3 choirs - at St Peter's Church, Contempo Choir and Lancashire East Guide Choir. I am a season ticket holder at Burnley Football Club!


Kind regards, 



Carol Pike 

Chair of Governors

Welcome to our amazing school!

Our school lives out a profoundly Christian and inclusive vision. We genuinely believe that every child of God matters. We believe that our vision should transform our community. The relationship between school and church is something we value, and we hope you will, too.


I enjoy being part of worship both in school and in church. Our children contribute enormously. I am always touched as they pray for each other, their teachers, family, and the world. Our worship focuses on children being able to ask questions and explore their own faith. Our all-age worship is inclusive, focusing on well-being and enhancing school and family values.


Children take part in our school workshops held in church. It is a joy to watch and encourages us all.

We want children to grow and reach their full potential. We want to support them as they grow in confidence, explore faith, and explore their gifts. We want them to enjoy coming and being part of our church family.


We strongly believe In an inclusive Church where ALL are invited, and ALL are welcome, where children and families feel safe, loved, and cared for.


Fr Andrew Holmes

Rector – Burnley St Peter & St Stephen
