Curriculum and enrichment activities
Since September, Gold Class have been taking part in a special programme called Raising Aspirations. This is a government initiative to educate children in aiming higher.
We have completed lots of challenges so far, which have included
. the history of money and designing our own banknote
. learning about our skills and talents and how they are transferable
. investigating the qualifications that are needed for particular jobs
. writing our own CV
. watching videos, which have included people from Burnley, who have aspired to having a successful career
We still have quite a lot to do so keep watching!
Raising Aspirations
Finally the sun shone brightly enough for us to test out our pinhole cameras.
They were a roaring success, we saw St Peter's Centre, the trees and even Mrs Craggs upside down!
Pinhole cameras
Will a shadow get bigger or smaller when it is moved closer to a light source?
This is the question that Gold Class investigated this week.
Most of us predicted correctly - what do you think?
Investigating shadows
Next week, our school Christmas tree will be arriving, so we have been very busy making our class decorations to go on to it. This year, we have made tiny bobble hats which will look fabulous when we put them on the tree.
Making our Christmas decorations
Last Thursday, our school was incredibly lucky to receive a visit from Dasher and Cupid, two of Father Christmas' reindeer.
We found out lots of very interesting facts such as;
. they are vegetarian
. they don't have top teeth
. they can live up to 20 years old
After finding out all the exciting information, we had to let them go as they have a very important job to do in the next few weeks.
Dasher and Cupid - Reindeer visit
Usually at this time of year, we would be preparing to visit Bank Hall Residential Home to take part in the carol service. Due to local restrictions, we are unable to do this, so we made Christmas cards and hearts to show that we are thinking about them. We visited Bank Hall to deliver our cards and hearts and and chatted to the residents - socially distanced of course. Take a look at our photos