Autumn 1
Home Learning
w.b. 21st September 2020
This week in class we are learning about the different parts of our bodies. Sing the song 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' with your child and then play the 'Body Part Name Game', pointing to a body part and getting them to name it.
w.b. 28th September 2020
This week in class we discussed our likes and dislikes and how we all like different things, but can still all be friends. Talk with your child about what they like and dislike and get them to draw a picture of their favourite things. They can bring this in to share with us if they wish.
w.b. 5th October 2020
This week we will be learning about our emotions, positive and negative feelings. Talk with your child about different scenarios they may face outside of school and how these make them feel. Discuss how even if we are feeling negative emotions, this is not always a bad thing. For example sometimes we might be scared to do something, but we have to do it anyway and when we have we feel great because we overcame our fears.
w.b. 12th October 2020
This week we will be thinking about our families and how all our families are different Talk with your children about who their family is. You could also discuss what jobs your family have done e.g. what did their grandmother do for her job?