Autumn 1
Autumn 1: This Is Me!
Medium Term Plan
This medium term plan is subject to change, following children's interests and responses to activities and learning.
Units this term...
EYFS: Harvest
EYFS: I Am Special
UCF1: Why is the word 'God' so important to Christians?
Weekly Updates
02.09.21 & 03.09.21
It was lovely to meet all the children again after the holidays for the 'Stay & Play' sessions and welcome them all to St Peter's. The EYFS team are really looking forward to spending this year with all our Reception children and their families. It is going to be a great year!
w.b. 06.09.21
The children have settled really well doing their Morning and Afternoon Sessions this week. They are excited to come together as a whole class next week. Below are a few pictures from this week, where the children have been exploring the inside and outside provision.

w.b. 20.09.21
We have been learning all about our bodies this week with our core text 'Funnybones'. We drew around one of the children and used the bones to make her body. We also learned about the important role our heart, lungs and brain plays to keep us alive.

w.b. 27.09.21
We have had a super week this week. Thursday afternoon was a highlight - it was very windy so we took an extra large tube of bubbles outside and enjoyed watching them blow around in the wind and trying to pop them. Some of them were MASSIVE!
We also had a yummy RE lesson tasting bread from around the world. We had a special visitor who came to tell us her story (The Little Red Hen) and we learned that bread is made from flour which is ground from wheat. We ate: crackers, brown Danish bread, pitta bread, bagels and chocolate brioche.
w.b. 11.10.21
The highlight of our week this week was Mike from SMJ Falconry coming to see us on Friday morning. He brought four owls to see us and we learned a few facts about them. Ask us what we can remember from the owl visit. If we need prompting, here are a few reminders:
- Owls don't all come out at night, some come out during the day, they have light coloured eyes.
- Owls can't move their eyes, they turn their heads instead.
- Owls have a special sick called 'pellets' which contain the fur and bones of the animals they have eaten.
- You can't hear an owl when it flies, it is almost silent. This is so they can catch their prey (food).
Below are a few photos of Mike with the owls and the special camera microscope we looked at owl feathers and pellets through. The photos of the children holding one of the owls is on the link underneath. There are also videos of the owls flying (and running!) in the classroom on the link too.
w.b. 18.10.21
In a change to the MTP, after the children questioned why the leaves were falling off the trees into the yard, we established the children needed some more specific input on the Autumn season, so we have spent the week learning all about Autumn.
We have learnt all about Autumn this week... About the leaves changing colour, animals hibernating and that we need to keep warm as the weather becomes cooler and wetter. We found out that during Autumn pumpkins grow and read the story 'Pumpkin Soup', deciding we wanted to make our own soup.
We all helped to make the soup and practised cutting using a knife safely, keeping our fingers out of the way. We used Butternut Squash for our soup which is hard to cut, so we had to apply extra pressure to the knife. At the end of the day, after the soup had been bubbling away on the hob, we blitzed the soup with the hand blender and added the cream, then brought the soup home for our families to try. Feedback has been that our soup is very yummy.
The pictures below show the recipe, there are more pictures on the link underneath.
This is the link to the website we used for the recipe - it is simple. The recipe will feed 4-6 people for only £4 in total! That's a whole meal for your family for just 66p-£1 each. Bargain and delicious!
Click here for the recipe: Pumpkin Soup Recipe