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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Key Information

Green Class weekly timetable

Drop off & Pick up

Timings of the school day are now back to normal. Children are expected in school for 8.45am and home time is 3.15pm.

Green Class are to be dropped off and picked up from the main front door. 



Pupils are to wear their kit to school on PE days. Our PE days this year are Wednesdays and Fridays. 

The children also have Dance on Thursdays.

PE kit: black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, a white round neck t-shirt, school jumper and trainers. 

Pumps should be left in school for when they are needed.



Your child should bring their home reading book to and from school everyday. Please read regularly with your child and sign their reading record. Reading books will be changed when they have been completed.



New homework will be set each Wednesday on Teams and should be returned by the following Monday. If you require a paper copy, please make sure you let either Miss Parrington or Mrs Cartridge know.



Spelling tests will be on a Friday with new spellings also given out to take home and practice. 
