Thursday 4th February 2021
Home Learning- Thursday 4th February 2021 – YELLOW CLASS
Good morning children
Our Zoom Session this week will be on Friday 5th February at 11:10am. This week’s session will be a check in and introducing the children to the Zoom Sessions. If you would like your child to be part of this week’s Zoom Session, please email me on the email address below by Thursday night and I shall send you the Zoom link on Friday morning.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Friday morning.
Email me on:
Read, Write Inc
If you haven’t already done so, register for free on oxford owl. Here your child can continue to read books at the correct level. Follow the link below to register.
Ask your child whose group they are in for Read, Write, Inc and then see below for their Read, Write, Inc level. If your child does not know or can’t remember, please email me or contact school.
Mrs Ditta and Mrs Douglas - Red Ditty group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Chadwick - Green group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Hargreaves - Pink group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Yates - Blue group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Wilkinson - Grey group (set 3 sounds)
Click the link below to watch a daily speed sound and spelling lesson. Then read one book at the correct level on Oxford Owl.
Set 2 Reading ‘ir’
Set 2 Spelling ‘ir’
Set 3 Reading ‘u-e’
Set 3 Spelling ‘u-e’
Red words (also known as tricky words) need to be practised daily.
Click the link below for this week’s red words matching your child’s reading level above. These are the same words all week as they need to know these fluently.
Red Ditty-
Starter: Recap learning from earlier this week with the counting starter.
Today in maths you are going to learn to ‘recognise all coins from 1p to £2’.
Lesson Focus: Children should recognise all the coins using different properties including words, numbers, colour, shape and size.
Main activity:
To identify the physical properties of coins. In this lesson you will be identifying the properties of coins and beginning to name them.
Then complete the sheet attached.
P.E – In today’s PE lesson you will be looking at ‘Orienteering’. See attached lesson plan.
PSHE: This week is Children's Mental Health week and we are asking our children, families and even staff to take part in this very important week. Now more than ever it is so important that we not only look after our physical health (our bodies) by doing things like exercising, eating well and getting enough sleep, we also need to look after our mental health (our minds). Please See the link below and press on 'Mental Health week 2021' there's a selection of activities you may wish to complete.