Autumn 1
Welcome back to school and welcome to Green Class! We are so glad to be back.
There are two teachers and a teaching assistant in Green Class.
Miss Parrington - Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Mrs Cartridge - Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Mrs Hussain - Everyday
In light of the pandemic there have been some changes to our routines etc at school. We will do our best to ensure that the children settle back in well but if you do have any concerns then please don't hesitate to get in touch,
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Cartridge & Miss Parrington
Key Information
Start - 8.30 am
Finish - 3.00pm
Breakfast & snack
Children will be offered toast as they arrive in class.
Our lunch is at 11.40 so please try to send a healthy snack in with your child to keep them going until lunch.
PE kits
Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school and that children remove earrings on a PE day.
PE- Wednesday and Friday
Home Reading
Please ensure your child brings their reading book and record to school every day. We ask that you and your child please wash your hands before and after using the reading book and reading record. We expect you to read with your child at least three times a week. The more your child reads, the quicker they will build up fluency and accuracy.
Homework will be set every Wednesday to be completed by the following Monday.Spellings will be given out on a Wednesday. Please practice spellings with your child, they will be tested on them on a Monday.
Water Bottles
We allow children to bring their own water bottles to school that they can refill in the classroom. Please put your child's name on. Bottles should go home on a Friday for a wash.
Read on to find out what we will be up to this half term.
Here are some of the objectives we will cover this half term:
- Place value
- comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000
- rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
- partitioning numbers in different ways
- 2D shapes
- statistics
- written methods for addition and subtraction
- daily times tables practice.
We will be reading a lovely story called ‘The Way Home for Wilf’. Here is some of the learning that we will be doing:
- using and, but, or and so to link words and clauses
- responding to and analysing the text
- learning the story orally
- using non-fiction texts to find about wolves as well as other animals
- using our research on a different animal to write our own Way Home for Wilf stories.
Our topic this half term is light. We will be
- recognising that we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light
- noticing that light is reflected from surfaces
- recognising that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect our eyes
- recognising that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object
- finding patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
Our topic is Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We will be exploring how volcanoes and earthquakes happen, where they happen and the benefits and consequences of these natural disasters.
We will be looking at the work of painter L.S.Lowry.
The value of rules and laws; rights, freedoms and responsibilities.
We will be looking at Harvest festival traditions around the world and what Christians and Jews believe the festival represents.