Summer 1
Pink Class - Summer 1 overview
I hope everyone has enjoyed the Easter holidays and are looking forward to the next half term. Read on to find out what we will be up to.
Read, Write, Inc: The children were assessed before the half term holidays and have been placed in the correct reading level group. Read, Write, Inc lessons will continue daily. The more frequently your child reads at home, the quicker they will progress through the levels and become a fluent reader.
English: We will begin this half term by creating a persuasive piece of writing based on our visit to ‘Martin Mere’. Then we will be reading the book ‘Aladdin by Lily Murray’, some of their activities include; looking at different vocabulary, comparing the book to the film, writing a diary entry in role and finally writing their own chapter.
Math's: This half term we will cover: Addition and Subtraction, 2-D and 3-D Shape, Fractions, Position and Direction, Time, Number, Place Value Statistics and Capacity/Volume.
Science: This half term in science the children will be learning more about plants. They will learn that plants may grow from either seeds or bulbs. These then germinate and grow into seedlings which then continue to grow into mature plants. These mature plants may have flowers which then develop into seeds, berries, fruits etc. Seeds and bulbs need to be planted outside at particular times of year and they will germinate and grow at different rates. Some plants are better suited to growing in full sun and some grow better in partial or full shade. Plants also need different amounts of water and space to grow well and stay healthy.
Geography: In Geography we will be learning about India, its population, capital city, important landmarks, longest river, most spoken language, most common religion, traditional food and clothing.
DT: This half term in Design technology will be designing and making their own pizza’s. By the end of the unit the children will be able to cut, peel, grate, chop a range of ingredients. The children will learn how to work safely and hygienically and will know about the Eatwell Plate and understand where food comes from.
RE: This half term we are looking at ‘Why is the Church a special place for Christians?’ The aim of the unit is for pupils to understand that a church is a holy place, where people go to worship. To begin developing the pupil’s knowledge of what happens in church. The children will have opportunities to explore other places of worship.
Computing: In computing we will be completing the ‘Effective Searching’ unit on Purple Mash. This unit allows the children to develop an understanding of the Internet. It will also give them the basic tools to help them search for information more effectively.
PE: In PE this half term we are doing Athletics. This unit concentrates on the pupils running, catching, and throwing skills. These key skills for PE will be incorporated into a variety of games.
PSHE: In PSHE this Summer term the topic is Health and Well-being. This unit includes keeping safe, being healthy including exercise, a balanced diet and personal hygiene.
Mrs Cunningham