PE and Sport
Physical Education Intent
At St Peter’s C of E Primary School Every Child of God Matters.
PE at St Peter’s Primary school aims to develop a fun, inclusive and enriching high quality PE curriculum. We will provide opportunities to allow children to become physically confident in a way, which supports their health and fitness. We are committed to supporting the health and well-being of our children and understand the impact physical activity and sport have on this. We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. Daily physical activity plays a crucial role in our offer to pupils including the daily mile, active break and lunchtimes and extra-curricular activities.
Why is Physical Activity so important at school?
Physical activity is a very important part of our school day. PE gives children the opportunity to be active. It is suggested that children should achieve 60 minutes of exercise a day.
Not only does exercise improve a child’s overall health and fitness it helps to improve their mental health and cognitive development as well, by doing physical exercise, children are more likely to concentrate and maintain focus in lessons. As well as strengthening muscle and bones, exercise builds confidence, inspires positivity and improves social skills.
PE and Sport at St Peters C of E Primary School
At our school we value the importance of physical exercise. Our classes have two lessons of PE each week plus an additional dance lesson.
This year we have also introduced the daily mile from Y1 to Y6. As well as increasing the amount of time pupils are spent active, it will also improve concentration levels.
We offer a range of after school clubs, take part in many competitions and offer structured lunch time activities where pupils can practice their skills and take part in personal best challenges.
We have used some of our School Sports Premium funding to improve our outdoor space, including a trim trail and multi-play area. Not only has this increased physical activity but has also improved confidence.
Introducing our newly appointed 'Well-being Superstars' at their recent training event
We are delighted to announce that we, St Peters C of E Primary School, have achieved the School Games Platinum Mark Award for the 2022/23 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
PE Mission Statement
We held a competition for pupils to come up with a mission statement for PE and Sport at St Peters. This should demonstrate their vision of PE and Sport at our school. We asked them to create a poster including their mission statement: 'PE and sport at St Peters is heart pumping fun'.
The winner of the competition was Phoebe Schnabel.
In Autumn 2022 we held a new competition to design an updated poster for our mission statement. The winning poster was designed by Lilianna Konior in Year 2.