Green Class
Welcome to Green Class
Class Teachers: Miss Parrington and Mrs Cartridge
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hussain
Email: (contact Mon-Wed) (contact Wed - Fri)
Year 3 information
Class Worship
Enterprise Week
Our product that we designed and made this week are corner book marks made from felt. First of all, we looked at examples of different bookmarks. Then we looked at examples of corner bookmarks to get some ideas for our own designs. Then we watched a video which showed us how to do a blanket stitch and finally we made our own bookmarks.
Trip to Ribchester Roman Museum
We has a super day at the Roman Museum in Ribchester. In the morning, we listened to a talk by Matthew who told us why the Roman's had invaded Britain and showed us to real and replica Roman artefacts. We also had the chance to try on some Roman armour and helmets which were very heavy! After lunch we explored the ruins of a Roman bath house. We used the diagram on the sign to work out which part was which and tried to imagine what it might have been like to visit the baths in the Roman times.
Rocks and fossils
Here are some more pictures from our Rocks and Fossils topic. We studied two different soils samples to find out what soil is made up of, tested rocks to find out if they were permeable and also made our own fossils.
Art - Our final pieces of jewellery
We looked back at the different skills that we have learnt during our jewellery unit and choose what method we wanted to use to design and make our final piece of jewellery. Lots of us chose to make a pendent from polymer clay and add paper beads to the necklace.
We took part in a computer simulation about a space ship. We could only take seven items from the equipment list so we had to decide in our groups which was the most important equipment to take! We agreed and managed to complete the mission successfully!
Sorting rocks
We enjoyed sorting rocks according to their properties.
Trying on Roman Amour!
We tried on a Roman helmet and picked up a shield. They were both really heavy!
Fossils Workshop
As part of our Science Rocks and Fossils topic, Mr B came in to deliver a workshop. He showed us lots of examples of fossils including real woolly mammoth hair and a megladon tooth!
NSPCC Number Day
On Friday 7th May we took part in Number Day to raise money for the NSPCC. We completed a times tables challenge, played who wants to be a mathionaire and watched a fasinating video by Mike Askew. Following the video, we had a go ourselves at completing the difference between numbers squares.
Computing - Simulations
The class took part in a computer simulation called the Dark Side if Elpmis. In groups we first of all had to decide if we were going to save 6 members of our crew who's shuttle crash landed. Then we had to email the captain to find out about the conditions of the planet. Finally we had to decide which equipment to take with us. We will complete our mission next week.
World Hand Hygiene Day
For World Hand Hygiene Day on 5th May we talked about the importance of washing our hands then we took part in a experiment to see how far germs can travel. Volunteers put glitter on their hands then some washed their hands and some did not. Then they shook hands with their partner who then shook hands with the person next to them and so on. It was fascinating to see how far the glitter 'germs' travelled when the volunteers had not washed their hands! It reminded us all how important it is to wash our hands with soap and warm water.
Art - Designing and Making Jewellery
Our Art unit this half term is jewellery. We have looked at some different jewellery designers and then practised some different skills through making our own pieces of jewellery. We have had a go at making pendants from polymer clay, paper bead bracelets and felt brooches.
Using base ten to multiply by 10 and 100.
Observing and sorting rocks according to their properties
Returning to School - Monday 8th March
Just a few things to note:
- School starts at 8.45 am
- You can arrive at school from 8.30 and have toast in class
- School finishes at 3pm
- Wear your PE kit to school on PE days - Wednesdays and Fridays (you can wear joggers and wear your school jumper/cardigan over the top f your t-shirt)
- We are collecting plastic bottles to make some flowers for the yard
- We are celebrating World Book Day on Monday - wear clean pyjamas to school and bring your favourite book!
Home Learning Spring 2021
All home learning for Green Class during Lockdown January 2021 can be found by clicking the star below. Work will be uploaded daily. Please make sure you check this so that your child knows where to find their learning for the day.
Please make sure that you are emailing in pictures of your child's work so that teachers can mark it and give feedback. Thank you
Working practically with 3D shapes
To consolidate their learning about the properties of 3D shape, Green Class spent time creating models of 3D shapes using magnetic shapes, art straws and playdough.
Called by God
As part of their R.E. unit this half term, Green Class interviewed their local priest, Reverend Patrick, about how he felt called by God to enter the priesthood. They found out all about the best and most difficult parts of his vocation and how the pandemic had affected his work in the community.
UK Parliament Week: 1 - 7th November 2020
We watched a slideshow all about parliament and then we made a timeline of key events in the history of parliament. We also each have a booklet to learn more about parliament during our reading for pleasure time.
Super holiday homework
School Year 2019/20
Enrichment outside of school
In school
Green Class' chosen charity to raise money for this year is Pendleside Hospice. The class chose this charity as some of the children's families had used the hospice.
Our first event of the year was a sponsored exercise Leah from the hospice came in to see us and to present us with a cheque showing the amount that we raised this this half term. We raised a huge £374! Thank you to everybody in Green Class and their families and friends for their support. Leah told us that the money that we raised may be used to pay for counselling for children.
We then raffled a large bear, the raffle raised £101.00
At Easter the whole school participated in the Bunny Hop to raise money for Pendleside Hospice. We raised an amazing £992.81!
Finally we made angles and picture frames that the children bought, raising another £57.00.
Meaning we had a grand total of £1524.81
Once again thank you to everyone who has supported us in raising money for Pendleside Hospice.
Welcome to Green Class!
Hello Green Class Parents and Carers,
We hope you are all safe and well. Thank you for all your support during these uncertain times. We update 'Home Learning' every Monday morning with the activities for that week. We check MyMaths, Timestable Rockstars and Purple Mash daily and support individual children where needed.
If you need any support or have any questions, please email us or write a comment in the box below:
We'd love to see photos of the work that you have been completing. Please send them to one of the email address above. We will share them on our school page.
Keep safe and well.
Best wishes,
Mrs Hutchinson, Miss Parrington and Mrs Cartridge
Great news!!
Lancashire Library have launched an online library. All you need is your library card, or if you are not yet a member, you can join free of charge.
Click the link to find out more.
Home Learning - Week Seven
We hope you enjoyed last weeks home learning, we certainly enjoyed seeing the work you completed. Well done to those of you who did complete the work.
Attached are the different documents you will need for your home learning this week. There is a timetable, overview of different activities and a document to help with your French work.
Miss Parrington will be checking your maths work, including mymaths and times table rockstars.
Mrs Hutchinson will be checking your English work (there is a sheet attached above for English this week), RE and computing. If you need help with how to email photographs please email Mrs Hutchinson for advice. Please email your English work daily.
Mrs Cartridge will be checking History, Science and Art.
The timetable is a suggestion for you to structure your day but please don't panic if you can't do things at the exact times (Remember to check your RWI youtube time) We are also aware that at times some of the online programs are slow or difficult to access, if this happens move onto a different activity and go back to the online one later. There are thousands of children trying to access the different programs and this slows them down.
The 2dos are set from Monday- Friday, you will not be able to access them after Friday. This allows your teachers time to mark your work and give you feedback.
Don't forget to look at LPDS TV this is the link
We hope you enjoy the work this week and we are looking forward to seeing what you have done.
Best wishes
Miss Parrington, Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Cartridge.
New Phonics lessons every day on YouTube from Monday 20th April
To help children learning to read at home during school closure, Read, Write Inc's streaming 7 phonics, reading and spelling lessons every weekday on their YouTube channel. Each lesson is ten to fifteen minutes long and available for 24 hours.
Speed Sounds Set 2 (Miss Parrington and Mrs Douglas' groups).
Set 2 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.00 am
Set 2 Spelling 10.15am
Speed Sounds Set 3 (Mrs Smith's, Miss Hargreaves, Miss Chadwick's and Miss Wilkinson’s groups).
Set 3 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.30 am
Set 3 Spelling 10.45 am
Don't worry if you miss a lesson. Once each set has been shown, we will replay one a day from each set.
Click here for our YouTube Speed Sound lesson schedule.
For free Read Write Inc. Phonics eBooks, activities and advice, visit Oxford Owl for Home:
Home Learning - Week Six
We hope you enjoyed last weeks home learning, we certainly enjoyed seeing the work you completed. Well done to those of you who did complete the work.
Attached are the different documents you will need for your home learning this week. There is a timetable, overview of different activities and a document to help with your French work.
Miss Parrington will be checking your maths work, including mymaths and times table rockstars.
Mrs Hutchinson will be checking your English work, RE and computing. If you need help with how to email photographs please email Mrs Hutchinson for advice. Please email your English work daily.
Mrs Cartridge will be checking History, Science and Art. This week there is also a sheet to complete for Science, it is attached with the other documents.
The timetable is a suggestion for you to structure your day but please don't panic if you can't do things at the exact times (Remember to check your RWI youtube time) We are also aware that at times some of the online programs are slow or difficult to access, if this happens move onto a different activity and go back to the online one later. There are thousands of children trying to access the different programs and this slows them down.
The 2dos are set from Monday- Friday, you will not be able to access them after Friday. This allows your teachers time to mark your work and give you feedback.
Don't forget to look at LPDS TV this is the link
We hope you enjoy the work this week and we are looking forward to seeing what you have done.
Best wishes
Miss Parrington, Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Cartridge.
If you would like a quite moment of calm click on the link for some French Mindfulness
Home Learning - Week Five
We hope you enjoyed last weeks home learning, we certainly enjoyed seeing the work you completed. Well done to those of you who did complete the work.
Attached are the different documents you will need for your home learning this week. There is a timetable, overview of different activities and a document to help with your French work.
Miss Parrington will be checking your maths work, including mymaths and times table rockstars.
Mrs Hutchinson will be checking your English work, RE and computing. If you need help with how to email photographs please email Mrs Hutchinson for advice. Please email your English work daily.
Mrs Cartridge will be checking History, Science and Art. This week there is also a powerpoint for art, it is attached with the other documents.
The timetable is a suggestion for you to structure your day but please don't panic if you can't do things at the exact times (Remember to check your RWI youtube time) We are also aware that at times some of the online programs are slow or difficult to access, if this happens move onto a different activity and go back to the online one later. There are thousands of children trying to access the different programs and this slows them down.
The 2dos are set from Monday- Friday, you will not be able to access them after Friday. This allows your teachers time to mark your work and give you feedback.
Don't forget to look at LPDS TV this is the link
We hope you enjoy the work this week and we are looking forward to seeing what you have done.
Best wishes
Miss Parrington, Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Cartridge.
Miss Parrington is setting the work we would like you to complete on MyMaths, please only complete the work we set for you. We have noticed some of you are trying to do the Year 4/5 work as you haven't been taught this we would prefer you to complete the work set by Miss Parrington.
Home Learning - Week Four
We hope you enjoyed last weeks home learning, we certainly enjoyed seeing the work you completed. Well done to those of you who did complete the work.
Attached are the different documents you will need for your home learning this week. There is a timetable, overview of different activities and a document to help with your French work.
Miss Parrington will be checking your maths work, including mymaths and times table rockstars.
Mrs Hutchinson will be checking your English work, RE and computing. If you need help with how to email photographs please email Mrs Hutchinson for advice.
Mrs Cartridge will be checking History, Science and Art.
The timetable is a suggestion for you to structure your day but please don't panic if you can't do things at the exact times (Remember to check your RWI youtube time) We are also aware that at times some of the online programs are slow or difficult to access, if this happens move onto a different activity and go back to the online one later. There are thousands of children trying to access the different programs and this slows them down.
The 2dos are set from Monday- Friday, you will not be able to access them after Friday. This allows your teachers time to mark your work and give you feedback.
Title: LPDS TV Episode Two available from 9.30am on Monday 27th April
LPDS TV has been devised for teachers, parents and children, offering short and simple tips, games and activities to keep children engaged with home learning.
Each episode lasts around 10 minutes and will be available for free on the Learning Excellence YouTube channel and Facebook page on a weekly basis.
Episode Two will go live at 9.30am on Monday 27th April and will feature 'online science support' with Rachael Webb, 'maths pong' with Andrew Taylor, 'quiz time' with Rob Musker, 'propagating Hydrangeas' with Steven Kenyon and 'ideas for spelling' with Nicola Martin:
We hope you enjoy the work this week and we are looking forward to seeing what you have done.
Best wishes
Miss Parrington, Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Cartridge.
New Phonics lessons every day on YouTube from Monday 20th April
To help children learning to read at home during school closure, Read, Write Inc's streaming 7 phonics, reading and spelling lessons every weekday on their YouTube channel. Each lesson is ten to fifteen minutes long and available for 24 hours.
Speed Sounds Set 2 (Miss Parrington and Mrs Douglas' groups).
Set 2 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.00 am
Set 2 Spelling 10.15am
Speed Sounds Set 3 (Mrs Smith's, Miss Hargreaves, Miss Chadwick's and Miss Wilkinson’s groups).
Set 3 Speed Sounds and Word Time 10.30 am
Set 3 Spelling 10.45 am
Don't worry if you miss a lesson. Once each set has been shown, we will replay one a day from each set.
Click here for our YouTube Speed Sound lesson schedule.
For free Read Write Inc. Phonics eBooks, activities and advice, visit Oxford Owl for Home:
Over the past couple of weeks the Lancashire School Games Organisers team,
Active Lancashire and the Lancashire PE team have been developing a PE, school
sport and physical activity resource/timetable.
The resource is centred around 4 key themes:
Move - resources that help children to achieve 60 active minutes.
Learn - Skill and sports skill development.
Challenge - A weekly personal best challenge
Play - providing ideas and resources for children to be a.ctive through play.
Click on the link below to take you to their website.
Home Learning - Week Three
We hope you are all keeping safe.
Attached are the different documents you will need for your home learning this week. There is a timetable, overview of different activities and a document to help with your french work.
Miss Parrington will be checking your maths work, don't forget you can challenge your teachers on Timestable Rockstars.
Mrs Hutchinson will be checking your English work, RE and computing.
Mrs Cartridge will be checking Geography and Art.
The timetable is a suggestion for you to structure your day but please don't panic if you can't do things at the exact times. We are also aware that at times some of the online programs are slow or difficult to access, if this happens move onto a different activity and go back to the online one later. There are thousands of children trying to access the diffent programs and this slows them down.
The 2dos are set from Monday- Friday, you will not be able to access them after Friday. This allows your teachers time to mark your work and give you feedback.
We hope you enjoy the work this week and we are looking forward to seeing what you have done.
Best wishes
Miss Parrington, Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Cartridge.
Please find above a childrens guide coronavirus published by the Children's Commisioner. This document will answer your questions about coronavirus, tell you how to stay safe and protect other people and
help you make the best of your time at home.
Easter holidays
As we would normally now be on our Easter holidays we won't be setting any work for the next two weeks. That doesn't mean you can't continue to work on ttrockstars and my maths. If you would like to make us an Easter card on purple mash that would be lovely.
There is also a Kahoot you can have a go at.
Kahoot: Easter Symbols and Christian Beliefs
Type '' into your search bar and enter pin '0721390'.
Keep safe over the holiday period and look out for the new home learning on Monday 20th April.
Happy Easter from Mrs Hutchinson, Miss Parrington and Mrs Cartridge.
First News
If you click on the link below, it will take you to the remote learning page. Click on the KIDS tab and it will open up with articles for you to read, puzzles to do and lots of other things.
Online Safety
Staying safe online is extremely important during this time. Please use the resources I have attached to start positive family conversations around safe and responsible internet use and to agree clear expectations and boundaries. One of the resources also helps you spot the signs that may be experienced from being online too long and reminds us to have a healthy balance.
For more resources visit
You can also visit
which has games and videos to watch about staying safe on the internet.
Money Sense activities
Natwest Bank have an extremely useful website full of activities around understanding the value of money (something we wish all children knew more about :)). I have attached the web link below for some games that the children might enjoy. There is also a parent's zone should you wish to take a look at some activities to do with your children at home to help them better understand the value of money.
We hope you are all well and are enjoying some extra time with your children. We understand that the prospect of home learning might be very daunting at this moment whilst you are juggling many roles but please don't let it add any more stress to what is already a difficult time in all our lives.
As I am sure you are aware, children can struggle without structure and routine and may push boundaries while they adjust. Using a timetable to lay out the plans and expectations for the day, including when you expect them to be independent and with some suggestions for what they should be doing, could provide them with the structure they need and are used to. With this in mind we have attached a suggested time for the day. (It is only a suggestion)
Please remember learning takes place in many different forms and experiences can be just as powerful as lessons. Bake, play board games, read, build a den, watch a film, garden ... anything to make this challenging time more fun.
Best wishes Mrs Hutchinon, Miss Parrington and Mrs Cartridge.
Week Two
Hello Green Class please see the attached document for week two of home learning.
Also please go onto the supermovers website click onto KS2. Then go to maths and KS2 Maths: Handling Money and Giving Change with next steps.
Once you've had a go at the maths click on KS2 English and ook at Inverted commas with Mr Smith.
Enjoy your home learning this week and don't forget if you need any help email me on purple mash. Also send me any pictures of your work.:)
Purple Mash
Please remember to hand in your 2Dos so I can have a look at them.
Follow this link below and sign up for FREE with Oxford Owl, Read Write Inc. They have released many Read Write Inc. books for home use during the school closures if you sign up for free. There is also a lot of very useful information for parents about Read Write Inc. and how it works.
Please ask your child which group they are in to find the books appropriate for them to be reading at home.
- Miss Parrington’s Group: Red and Green
- Mrs Douglous’s Group: Green and Purple
- Mrs Smiths Group: Pink and Orange
- Miss Hargreaves’s Group: Orange and Yellow
- Miss Chadwick’s Group: Yellow and Blue
- Miss Wilkinson’s Group: Blue and Grey
Read, Write, Inc
This information has been provided be our Read Write Inc consultant. This will support your child in continuing to learn and practise their Read Write Inc sounds at home.
Daily virtual lessons for children
From Monday 23rd March we’re scheduling Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on Facebook and YouTube for children to watch at home.
We will release three short Speed Sound lessons with one of our trainers every day for the next two weeks. The films will only be available at the times below:
- Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
- Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
- Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm
Please note: the films are streamed live and won’t be available at other times.
(To access these clips, search 'Ruth Miskin Training' on facebook)
Picture News
You can watch the virtual assembly at 9 am every Friday by going to
I have also added a resource for you to look at, at home and I will be setting a 2Do in purple mash for you to complete. You need to look at the attached resource first.
Fischy Music ( are broadcasting an online assembly live every Monday at 11am on You can catch up with the one they did on 23rd March on their web site.
This is a lovely free downlaod you can print and colour at home. Adults will need to add some personal details but the download is free. Send me pictures of your finished art work, I'd love to see them.
David Walliams is doing online story time at 11am each day....which is great....
Heartsmart are doing a daily broadcast along with activities, some are pencil and paper activities with instructions on screen, go to
Home Learning
To access Numbots, click on the following link
Log in using your Purple Mash login.
Joe Wickes will also be doing a daily PE lesson at 9am, although you can access this at any time through the following link.
History - Stone Age Kahoot
PIN 0290172
Science - Rocks and soils Kahoot
PIN 0988425
Also please check out Purple Mash, I have set a 2Do for you.
Don't forget to read the document on the previous home learning page. try to work on TT Rockstars for 20 minutes each day, work on your spellings for 15 minutes each day, complete at least one reading activity a day.
Have a good week best wishes Mrs Hutchinson.
Hello Green Class, welcome to week one of home learning.
You are expected to work through the items on the attached home learning document over the week. There will be a new home learning document posted each week for you to complete.
We have signed up to a trial of NumBots which is accessible via TTRockstars - it starts off very simple, but the faster you work through it, the more challenging it becomes.
Remember that you can email me with any problems or questions that you may have. You can take photos of any work that you are proud of and email that to me via Purple Mash. Remember to check your alerts on Purple Mash as I will be setting you some 2Do's. I will also be emailing you to check on how you are doing.
To help you to continue to develop your French please go to the curriculum pencil, French then look at the document, you need to look at KS2, stage one.
Mrs Hutchinson
Dear Parents and Carers, a home learning pack has been sent home with your child today.
Please continue to check the class webpage as this is where new tasks will be added.
I have also attached a word document that gives the web addresses for the various learning platforms that we use in class.
To celebrate Mother's Day the children have been making button flowers.
Happy Mother's Day
Mother's Day
As part of this terms RE unit Exploring the sadness and joy of Easter, the children have made hotcross buns.
They were delicious.
Hotcross buns
In science this term we are looking at forces and magnets. Today the children found out about using push and pull forces. They also measured forces.
As part of World Book Day the children used their map reading skills to find different coordinates. They were finding out where Wally was.
World Book Day
Spring Two
Spring is nearly here and it is time to think about the work we will be completing this term. I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are refreshed ready to continue your learning.
Bright Sparks Project
This term we will continue to participate in the Bright Sparkes Project. The project will include our first literacy unit which is writing play scripts. The children will write play scripts about magical clogs. Our DT work will also be linked to the project, we will look at making boxes and packaging. the children will make a Tommy tin, these were used by some Lancashire miners to take their lunch down the pit. The boxes contained a pair of minature cloggs for good luck. As part of history and geography the children will look at local mines, what it was like to work in a mine - including the role of children and they will also write a piece of poetry about the miners.
Once we have completed our play scripts the children will look at writing diary entries. There will be a link made back to working in the mines.
Maths this term we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes, angles and different lines. We will also continue to work on our written methods for addition and subtraction, fractions and position and direction.
The children will study forces and magnets:
- Comparing how things move on different surfaces
- Noticing that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance
- Observing how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others
- Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials
- Describe magnets as having two poles
- Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing.
We continue to study volcanoes and earthquares. We will be revisit where and why volcanoes and earthquakes happen and what it is like to live near a volcano.
The children will continue to develop their singing skills as well as learning to play the recorder.
Along with continued awareness of online safety the children will also be looking at touch typing.
Dance will continue on a Thursday and the children will also participate in PE lessons on a Wednesday and Friday. Earrings are not permitted during PE the children must be able to remove them, alternatively they should not wear them to school on these days.
This term we will be learning about the sadness and joy of Easter. Some of the questions they will consider are:
- Is it possible to describe the events of Holy Week and Easter simply as events of joy or sadness? Why? Why not?
- Is the cross a symbol of sadness or joy?
- Is Good Friday the beginning or the end?
- Is Easter Sunday the end or the beginning?
- How do the services held in churches during Holy Week and Easter reflect the sadness and joy?
We will also be visiting Blackburn Cathedral to find out more about the Stations of the Cross.
In French the activities this half term are:
- Celebrate Carnival with colours
- Revisit and practise the language of Autumn T1, Autumn T2 and Spring T1
- With traditional games, rhymes and songs shared by European cultures or are special in France.
- Celebrate Easter - games, songs / facts from France
Reading books must be returned on a daily basis. It is important that children read at home. The children can earn a reading reward sticker / certificate if they have been reading at home.
Homework is sent out on Wednesdays and must be returned the following Monday. If you don't bring your homework, you will be expected to stay in at playtime to complete it (in accordance with school policy)
Spring One
Welcome back to everyone, I hope you all had a good break and are looking forward to an exciting term in Green Class.
We have lots to learn this term. Here is a taste of what will be happening in class this term.
This term we will be writing an adventure story based on a text – we will be developing characters and settings while continuing to use inverted commas, prepositions and conjunctions in our writing to help to make our writing more interesting. We will also continue to develop our vocabulary in interesting and exciting ways. We will also be looking at the features of discussion texts and writing our own.
Continuing to develop our written and mental methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division will continue to be a focus this term. Children will also be working on improving their knowledge of time and fractions.
Our Science topic this half term is Rocks and Soils. We will be comparing and grouping different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties, describing how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock, recognising that soils are made from rocks and organic matter and can look and feel different and recognising that rocks and soils can be different in different places/environments.
We will continue to find out about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Considering how people's lives changed during these periods of time.
We will continue to look at Online safety and how to create different codes.
In French this term we will be we will be learning how Epiphany is celebrated in France. Also the children will learn the names of animals, the sounds animals make and a story about animals in French. The children will discover phrases to express their likes and dislikes, as well as asking and answering questions.
We will continue to have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday this half term as well as dance on a Friday. Please make sure children have a full PE kit in school. Our PE units this half term are tennis and outdoor adventure activities.
This term our RE unit is Jesus, the man who changed lives. Our key questions are:
-what does 'change' mean?
- how can our lives be changed?
-is change easy?
-how did Jesus change lives?
-what happens when Jesus changes a persons life?
Our PSHE topics this half term are feelings and emotions, and healthy relationships. We will consider how we recognise feelings in others, understanding what secrets are, how to have possitive relationships, how we maintain friendships and how our actions affect ourselves and others.
Our topic is very exciting this term we are looking at ‘Healthy Humans’, our work will focus on learning about, preparing, cooking and tasting different foods. We will conclude our learning by producing refreshments for the congregation of St Peter’s Church. We will evaluate different products and design our own. We will learn cutting techniques such as the claw cut and the bridge cut. The children will follow and develop their own recipes.
Homework is given out every Wednesday and needs to be returned by Monday morning. If homework isn't handed in on time children will be asked to stay in and miss playtime/lunch time to complete their homework.
All children will be given a reading book, please try to read with your children every day. Children should bring their reading record and reading book in to school each day.
Children will also be given spellings each week, please help your child to learn their spellings. A good way to do this is for your child to write their spellings in a sentence.
It is very important that children know their timestables, asking children to repeat their timestables every day would support their learning in maths. Also practicing their number bonds to 10, 100 and 1000 at home would help your child.
Thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning, if you have any questions please feel free to come and see us.
Mrs Hutchinson and Miss Parrington
Class Charity
This term to riase money for our class charity we have raffled a large teddy bear and held a Christmas jumper competition in conjunction with Pendleside Hospice. Aiden Neal was the lucky winner of the raffle and the jumper competition, congratualations Aiden. The raffle raised £108.80 abd the Christmas jumper competition raised £106.31. Thank you to everyone for your support.
Our next event will an Easter Bunny Hop.
Autumn Term Two
Welcome back Green Class
We hope you have all had a good holiday and are looking forward to the new term. Again we have another very busy term with lots to learn.
In Literacy we will be finding out about fables, our class text will be the hare and the tortoise. We will be learning to orally retell and actout the story. We will also learn how to write fables and persuasive letters. In grammar we will focus on determiners, conjunctions and inverted commas. In spelling we will continue to work on the Year Three spelling list, the children we receive new spellings each week.
In Maths this term will continue to learning about addition and subtraction, look at both two and three digit numbers. We will also learn how to multiply and divide numbers using both a written and mental method. We will be investigating time using analogue and digital time, looking at time imtervals to the nearest minute.
Our topic is very exciting this term we are looking at ‘Healthy Humans’, our work will focus on learning about, preparing, cooking and tasting different foods. We will conclude our learning by producing refreshments for the congregation of St Peter’s Church. We will evaluate different products and design our own. We will learn cutting techniques such as the claw cut and the bridge cut. The children will follow and develop their own recipies.
We will also be focusing on Healthy Humans in our Science this half term. We will be learning about the different things that our bodies need to stay healthy such as regular exercise and a balanced diet. We will find out about the skeleton and the bones within it.
In RE this term we will be looking at how people are called by God and considering a range of questions. Such as: What does it mean to be called by God? In what ways does God call people? How does God call people? What sort of tasks does God call people to do? Who has been/or could be called by God? The Christian values we will consider are faith, service and courage. The second unit we will focus on is Christmas God is with Us. We will look at the following questions: In what ways is God with us? How does it feel to be in the presence of God? How did/does the presence of Jesus have an impact on people's lives? In what ways are we in the presence of Jesus in the World today? The Christian values we will consider are faith, compassion and love.
In PSHE this term we will be looking at Getting on and Falling out. We will also consider Caring Friendships and Respectful Relationships. We will be supporting anti-bullying week too.
PE this half term will still be on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon. We will also still be doing dance on a Thursday morning. Please ensure that your child has the following PE kit: black shorts or leggings, white t-shirt, trainers (for outdoors) and pumps (for indoors).
This year we will have French lessons every Monday - please ask your child to tell you the French words they have learnt. This half term we will be learning some French linked to Bonfire night and Christmas.
This year we will have singing lessons every Thursday, learning different songs including Christmas carols.
Homework is given out every Wednesday and needs to be returned by Monday morning. If homework isn't handed in on time children will be asked to stay in and miss playtime/lunch time to complete their homework.
All children will be given a reading book, please try to read with your children every day. Children should bring their reading record and reading book in to school each day.
Children will also be given spellings each week, please help your child to learn their spellings. A good way to do this is for your child to write their spellings in a sentence.
It is very important that children know their timestables, asking children to repeat their timestables every day would support their learning in maths. Also practicing their number bonds to 10, 100 and 1000 at home would help your child.
Thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning, if you have any questions please feel free to come and see us.
Mrs Hutchinson and Miss Parrington
Autumn One
Welcome to Green Class
We have an exciting term ahead, read on to find out what we will be learning about this term.
We will be learning about place value, adding, subtracting and multiply. All while continuing to learn our times tables. If possible please practice times tables at home.
We will be learning to write a folk tale and a biography, while continuing to work on spelling, grammar and handwriting. Please ask your child to tell you the text they are learning at school, using the actions they have learnt.
In history we will be finding out about cotton/wool mills, the Victorians and the Industrial Revolution. We will be visiting Helmshore mill to find out about how the Victorians changed the way cotton/wool was woven.
We will be exploring the work of Lowry, this will also include a visit to the Lowry Museum where they will work with an artist and study the pictures Lowry produced.
We will be investigating light and light sources. We will also look at reflections and shadows.
In RE the children will be looking at Harvest and how it is celebrated around the world, we will also consider how people are called by God.
This year we will have French lessons every Monday - please ask your child to tell you the French words they have learnt. We will start by learning greetings, colours and numbers.
This year we will have singing lessons every Thursday.
PE is every Wednesday and Friday. Our PE units this half term will be gymnastics and invasion games (tag rugby). Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school ready for their lessons. The children will have an addition dance lesson on a Thursday morning.
In PSHE we are looking at Rules, Rights and Responsibilities.
Homework is given out every Wednesday and needs to be returned by Monday morning. If homework isn't handed in on time children will be asked to stay in and miss playtime/lunch time to complete their homework.