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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Key Information

Key Information

PE kits

Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school.

PE - Monday and Wednesday

Dance - Thursday


Home Reading

Please ensure your child brings their reading book and record record to school every day.

Children will be read with regularly in school and their reading book will be changed regularly.



Homework will be given out every Wednesday and is due in on Monday.

Please read with your child regularly, at least three times a week, and discuss with them what they have read. Please sign the home reading record each time you read.

Spellings will be given out weekly and your child will be tested on them weekly.

A task will be set on My Maths and Purple Mash each week. Logins were sent home at the beginning of term. If you have any problems, please let us know.

Time tables can be practiced on Times Table Rock Stars.

Children have login details for reading eggs which they can practice at home if they wish also.

Topic homework will be given out at the end of each half term.


Water Bottles

We allow children to bring their own water bottles to school that they can refill in the classroom.
