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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Autumn 2

Autumn 2


Our fiction unit this half term is folk tales. We will be reading and responding to different folk tales before story mapping and orally rehearsing our own folk tale. We will then innovate our folk tale to include our own characters and ideas. Our key skills this half term will be identifying and using inverted commas for direct speech and identifying and writing complex sentences using when and while . 


This half term we will beginning to understand the multiplication facts for the 3 and 4 times tables. We will be starting to use the grid method for multiplying teens numbers. We will also be looking at division by grouping and sharing and division as repeated subtraction. 


Our topic is still Healthy Humans and this half term we will be looking at the skeleton. Our big question this half term is: Why do animals (including humans) have a skeleton? We will be identifying and grouping animals with and without skeletons and observing and comparing their movement, exploring how the skeleton moves with the help of muscles and exploring ideas about what would happen if animals did not have skeletons.


This will be linked with Enterprise Week this half term. The children will be evaluating decorations then designing, planning and making felt decorations. The children will develop sewing skills, using the running stitch to join together two pieces of felt. They will also be sewing on decorations e.g. buttons, beads and sequins and attaching a hanging feature. Children will consider the cost of materials and then agree a price for sale. They will be introduced to the concept of cost and profit.


Our Computing unit this half term is Email. We will be thinking about different ways to communicate and learning how to open an email and respond to it. We will be creating a list of rules for using email safely and then making a quiz about the rules. Finally we will be learning how to attach documents to emails and responding to a series of email simulations.


The children will complete their learning on the Stone Age to Iron Age period finishing with a written outcome, where the children will explore how the introduction of bronze and iron changed life in Britain.


 Our RE unit this half term is Christmas.  Our key questions include: In what ways do Christians believe God is with us? How does it feel to be in the presence of God? How did/does the presence of Jesus have an impact on people’s lives? In what ways do Christians believe that they are in the presence of Jesus in the world today?


The  children will revisit learning from last half term on greetings. They will develop French colours based around Autumn and Bonfire Night and learn the days of the week and months of the year. Each lesson sequence focuses on knowledge retrieval, speaking and listening, reading and writing.


This half term’s theme is around money and work. The children will be looking at reasons people work, different sectors of work, job stereotypes and setting personal goals.


Mr Carr and Mr VanBoyd will teach PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. This half term they will be focusing on invasion games (rugby) and a net and wall core task (tennis).

On Thursdays, Helen will teach dance. They will be learning routines to popular musical theatre songs. Keep an eye on the PE page to see their performance.


Mrs Spall teaches music on Mondays. They will be learning a range of songs to perform in the Christmas performance. Keep an eye on the music page to see their performance. They will also be learning about pitch, tempo, rhythm, pulse and singing in rounds.


