Autumn 1
Carving pumpkins

History - Old and New toys

Artist study - Andy Goldsworthy

Autumn 1
Hope you have enjoyed the summer holidays and are ready to begin our exciting activities this first half term.
My name is Miss Hargreaves and I am the class teacher. I will be working alongside my teaching assistants Miss Chadwick and Mrs Ditta.
Here's some information about what we will be learning during the half term.
Read, Write Inc.
This academic year we are starting a programme called Read Write Inc. It teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly and compose their ideas step-by-step. We will be holding a parent’s session to give you some additional information about this.
We will begin the half term by looking at place value which will involve reading and writing numbers to 20 and beyond. We will learn how to count in groups of two and ten and how to identify and represent numbers using objects and pictures. We will also be looking at measurement which will involve comparing and describing length, height and mass. Next, we will look at different methods of addition and subtraction and will finally move onto shape.
Our topic this half term is 'Family Album'. The children will be thinking about themselves and how they have changed over time and then will find out more about their families. We will also be thinking about birthdays and comparing this with how birthdays were celebrated in the past. We will move on to looking at toys that children played with in the past and compare them to the toys today. Finally, we will look at the Royal Family and find out what toys they played with in the past.
This half term we will be focusing on drawing and painting in Art. We will be learning about self-portraits and looking at the work of artists. The children will use different media to create their own self portrait and investigate tone to create shading. We will also investigate different ways of using paint and experiment in mixing primary colours to create secondary colours. The children will learn how to create skin tones for their self-portrait.
In Science we will be learning about ourselves, naming our body parts, understanding about our senses and thinking about how we are the same and different from others. We will be learning:
- Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
- Recognise that humans are animals.
- Compare and describe differences in their own features (eye, hair, skin colour, etc.)
- Recognise that humans have many similarities.
Physical Education
We will have two lessons of PE a week. One of these will be focusing on underarm throwing and the other will be Fundamental Movement Skills. Fundamental Movement Skills include such skills as running, hopping, catching, throwing, striking and balancing. The children will also have one dance lesson a week from our dance teacher Helen.
This half term, we will be thinking about Harvest and being thankful for the things God has provided. We will find out where our food comes from and think about what we can do to help people who don’t have enough to eat.
In Music we will be completing a unit of work from the Charanga website. We will be learning about some of the different elements of music through the use of games and will learn to sing and perform new songs.
In Computing this term, we will be looking at how to stay safe online. Our first unit of work is called 'Exploring Purple Mash'.