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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Autumn Term 1

This Is Me!

Medium Term Plan

Below is the Medium Term Plan for this term, Autumn 1 2020-2021.

This plan:

  • identifies the main topic for the term - This Is Me!
  • shows how the main topic will be covered over the course of the term (weekly themes)
  • lists the Core Texts we shall be using to develop the weekly themes 
  • sets out the activities for each of the areas to develop the weekly theme
  • highlights the purpose for each of the activities (Key Learning)

The 'Key Learning' is taken directly from the LCC produced 'EYFS Planning for Learning for Early Adopter Schools; Skills, Knowledge, Concepts' publication for Lancashire schools. The document sets out the Key Learning (S, K, C'S) for children within the EYFS in all seven areas of learning and development. 

Core Texts 'This Is Me!':

  • Starting School by Allan Ahlberg
  • Topsy & Tim: Start School by Jean Adamson
  • Harry and the Dinosaurs Go To School by Ian Whybrow
  • FunnyBones by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
  • Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
  • We Are All Different Twinkl eBook
  • The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas
  • Mr Men & Little Miss CoEL Books


RE Units this term:

I Am Special

Key Vocabulary: love, unique, father, God



Key Vocabulary: God, food, creation, harvest, thank you and prayer


Understanding Christianity (F1):

 Why is the word 'God' so important to Christians?

What have we been up to this term?

Week Beginning 21st September 2020

This week we have been learning all about our bodies. We went outside and drew around ourselves on the yard, we identified the different parts of our bodies. We then drew around one of the children and put our bones in the right places. We discussed how bones keep our bodies together and then explored how 3 of our organs work: our brains, our hearts and our lungs. 

Week Beginning 28th September 2020

This week we have been learning about our likes and dislikes, this included talking about our favourite colours. While we thought about colours we started to investigate colour mixing. We did the 'Skittles Experiment' and then in small groups mixed paint to create a colour wheel. Below are some photos from the 'Skittles Experiment', have a look and ask your child to explain how we did it and what was happening. 

Week Beginning 5th October 2020

This week we have been learning about our different emotions. We read a lovely book called 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. There is a video of the story below. The children were very brilliant at recalling what the different emotions were and the colour associated with each. We set up an 'Emotion Colour Sorting' activity in the classroom for the children to sort the different coloured objects to match each emotion. 

Week Beginning 12th October 2020

This week we have been thinking about our families - we used the story 'Owl Babies' to discuss different family dynamics. We then created 'Owl Babies' collages using a variety of materials including: feathers, lolly sticks, match sticks, wool and googly eyes. We had some images from the story to look at to support our creations, but our work was entirely independent. Below are some photos of our creative process.

Week Beginning 19th October 2020

To end the half term with a 'WOW!', we had Rhiannon from SMJ Falconry visit us today with 4 owls. We learnt a few new facts: 

  1. The colour of the their eyes shows you when they hunt for food. Owls with brown eyes hunt at night and owls with orange eyes hunt at dawn/ dusk. 
  2. There are 200 species of owls in the world, but only 5 of these live in the UK. 
  3. Not all owls say 'twit twoo', some sound like angry cats. 
  4. Owls have special sick called 'owl pellets'. The pellets contain bones and fur of the animals they have eaten. 

Below are some photos of the owls we saw today: Molly (Tawny Owl), JD (Barn Owl), Midge (White Faced Owl) and Bubbles (Tropical Screech Owl). I shall upload more pictures of the children with the owls in due course. We also got to see JD fly in the classroom - there is a short video of that below too. 

JD Flying

Still image for this video