Orange Class
Welcome to Orange Class,
Teachers: Mr Edgar (
Miss Corbishley (
Teaching Assistant: Mr Rainbird
Healthy Week
We had lots of fun during Healthy week taking part in lots of different activities. We enjoyed working as a team (and getting wet!) during the 'mini-mudda' event. We took part in 'try bowls' which we all enjoyed and many of us had never done before. In our sports day event we all tried out best across the well-throwing, bat and ball, collecting, obstacle course and sprint races. Finally, we learnt how to skateboard before having chance to practice our new skills.
River Trip
At the start of our Geography unit on 'Rivers' we went to Thompson park to study our local river. We first discussed river safety before being able to study living things from the river. We tried to identify them and thought about their habitat. Later we found out how rivers are formed and how they changed before thinking about how and why we need to look after them.
UK Parliament Workshop
Lego City Creative Workshop
A year in Orange Class
Homework - 14/10/20
Purple mash - there are reading 2do's set for you on purple mash to complete as well as a grammar 2do.
MyMaths - there is an addition activity for you all to complete.
TTRS - Keep practicing your times tables on times table rockstars.
Spellings - myth, gym, Egypt, pyramid, mystery, dynasty, symbol, synagogue, mysterious, mystical
Closure Letter
*Closing of Year 4 Bubble*
As you will all be aware by now, a member of the year 4 class bubble has tested positive for Covid-19 and because of this Year 4 children and staff will not be in school for the next 2 weeks. We were all very much excited to be back in school after a long time off and it is unfortunate that we cannot meet in school again for a short while. However, this is only temporary and we will be back in school before the end of this first half term.
I will putting work up on the school website for the children to be getting on with at home. All of the children in year 4 have been shown how to find this on their class page and should know how to access their work on the website or on purple mash, times table rockstars, reading eggs and mymaths. They have also practiced emailing each staff member through purple mash and they can use this to contact us or you can email me on my school email address:
If there are any issues or problems with accessing the work, log-in details or anything else then please get in contact with me.
Thank you in advance for the help and support you will be providing again to each of the children.
I look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2 weeks time.
Mr Edgar, Mr Rainbird and Miss Corbishley
Homework - 23/9/20
Purple mash - there are two 2do's set for you on purple mash to complete.
MyMaths - there is a place value activity for you all to complete.
TTRS - times tables to practice have been set.
Spellings - treasure, measure, pleasure, enclosure, closure, pressure, reassure, stealth, wealth
Vocabulary - see attached sheet
Vocabulary Homework
Homework - 16/9/20
Log on to mymaths and complete the activity set.
Complete the 2do's set on purple mash.
Have a go at the attached vocabulary sheet.
Practice your times tables on times table rockstars.
Work through reading eggs.
Vocabulary sheet
Every Wednesday homework will be set for the class. There will be a task on mymaths and on purple mash, as well as being able to practice their times tables on times table rockstars. Everyone has been given their log in details and should be able to access this at home. Please let me know if there any issues.
Please also remember to read regularly at home with their home reading book. They should be taken home each afternoon and brought back each day into school.
Contacting Orange class staff
Firstly, thank you to all of the children in Orange class for settling back into school life really well, we have all had a really good first week back!
Because of the need to social distance it may be difficult to speak to one of us at the end of the school day or you may not feel comfortable doing this. Though I am still happy to do this, you can also email me if you have any questions or can ring school to arrange a time to speak to one of us in Orange class.
My email is:
Thank you again to all, parents and children.
Welcome letter
Summer Homework
Daily PE activities
Please see the following link for daily PE activities you can take part in.
Week 6
Hello again,
Keep going everyone! Thank you to those that have sent in some of the things they have been doing at home for me to look at, it's lovely to see.
See below for this weeks work and where to find it.
Mr Edgar
Online Safety
Staying safe online is extremely important during this time. Please use the resources I have attached to start positive family conversations around safe and responsible internet use and to agree clear expectations and boundaries. One of the resources also helps you spot the signs that may be experienced from being online too long and reminds us to have a healthy balance.
For more resources visit
You can also visit
which has games and videos to watch about staying safe on the internet.
Each day at 11am there is a free story from David Walliams.
Follow this website.
Click on the following website and it will take you to Maths lessons that you can do yourself at home. There is a video to watch explaining a concept and what to do and then some questions and activities to go along with it as well.
Just click on your year group and then are 5 lessons each week, 1 for each day Mon-Fri.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good Morning Orange Class,
I hope you are all well this morning. For today's post I will be providing a list of activities for you to be getting on with for the rest of the week. I will still be posting on a daily basis on our class page.
This is the work that has been planned and set for you for this whole week. Some of the work has already been completed by some of you and well done for your hard work!
Subject |
Task |
Recommended Time for Activity |
English |
Write our own version of The Dancing Bear |
30 minutes (Daily work will be set.) |
Maths |
TT Rockstars & Numbots Your My Maths logins will be arriving with you shortly. |
20 minutes for MyMaths (Daily) 10 minutes for another maths activity (Daily) |
Science |
Teeth: What do you know? A 2do has been set on Purple Mash called 'Science: Teeth 23.3.2020'. Your task is to write down all the things you know about teeth already and all the things that you would like to know as we work through this topic. |
30 minutes (This work was set on Monday 23rd March) |
Spellings |
Year 3 & 4 In Spellings, please continue to practice your spellings from the Year 3 & 4 section. There are different ways for you to practice and you can also test yourself afterwards. |
10 minutes (Daily) |
Art |
The Parthenon As you all know, we are looking at Architecture in Art. We would like you to research The Parthenon. What was it used for? What are the features of its Architecture? Once again, I shall create a 2do for you to type up what you find out and also one for you to try and draw The Parthenon as best as you can. |
30 minutes |
PE |
PE with Joe Wicks Please see the link on our class page for PE with Joe Wicks. |
As you can see there is plenty of work for you to be getting on with but we do not expect you to complete it all in one day. Your Maths, English and Spelling tasks will be updated every day.
You can also take some time to do some Reading. You can read any books that you may have at home and for those of you have Reading Eggs there is a huge library of books on there too.
School has also got a new Maths website for you to use to help keep your maths skills in tip top shape. The website is called My Maths and you will all be receiving your logins soon. While you wait for these logins, please keep practicing on Numbots and TT Rockstars.
Stay safe Orange Class.
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good Morning Orange Class,
This morning I have added a new 2do on Purple Mash called The Dancing Bear 1. For this English task, you will need to write the first part of your own version of 'The Dancing Bear'. Inside the 2do is a reminder of what the first part of our story is about.
Don't forget to use all those wonderful skills that you know including punctuation, speech and fronted adverbials. You can also include a small picture to go with your first section.
If you have any problems you can email Mr Edgar or Mr Rainbird in Purple Mash and we will be able to help you.
Monday 23rd March 2020
Good Morning Orange Class,
I hope you are all well and staying safe at home. I will be setting some work on our class page today but to get you started from today Joe Wicks who is popularly known as 'The Body Coach' has 5 minute workouts for kids which you are able to do at home. A link to his Youtube channel can be found below.
School has also enabled pupils to email their teachers through PurpleMash if you have any questions about any work set.
School has also got a new Maths activity called 'Numbots'. For those of you who were in school on Friday will know how to get to it, but for those who have had to stay home you can tap the link below to take you to the website. You will need a login but your login is the exact same login that you use for TT Rockstars.
Be sure to take care and keep checking our class page for further updates.
Today we would have been having a Science lesson on our new topic of Teeth. I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash called 'Science: Teeth 23.3.2020' for you to write what you already know about teeth and what you would like to know.
Science Kahoot
Here is the link for a Science Kahoot for our states of matter topic, for those of you at home.
Copy and paste it inot the address bar when you're on the internet.
Here is the PIN you will need: 0344114
Orange Class Distance Learning
Good Morning Orange Class Pupils.
We are sorry to hear that quite a few of you have to stay at home at the moment. Online work will be set today on PurpleMash. In the meantime, today we will be looking at The Myth of Persephone in our Ancient Greece topic. I will set a 2Do on PurpleMash to create a story book about the her story.
Please don't forget to hand in your work when you have finished. I hope you all stay safe and take care.
Spring 2
Welcome Back!
I hope you've had a restful half term and are ready to go again. Here's what we will be learning this half term.
To begin with we will be reading through the novel 'The Dancing bear' analysing the plot and features used in writing to plan and write our own story based on it. We will then go on to write a non-chronological report based on our History topic, Ancient Greece.
In Maths, we will be learning written methods for multiplication and division and looking again at place value. In statistics, we wil be looking at data and interpreting it and also looking at shape and position.
We will be carrying on with our previous topic, States of Matter, for the first couple of weeks before going onto our next topic - Teeth and Digestion. We will learn about the different types of teeth that we have, the job that each does and how to look after them.
Our RE topic is Exploring Easter as a story of betrayal. We will look at the story again and the people involved, why they acted the way they did, the effect it had and what it shows us about God.
Carrying on with History we will now be learning about Ancient Greece. Where does this civilisation occur in history? What was life ike for Ancient Greeks? What did they believe? Who was Alexander the Great and why is he significant?
Our Art topic is about architecture. We will look at a range of architecture and have a go at recreating some using different mediums.
We will be carrying on with our previous topic learning about Relationships. How to build healthy ones and how to improve them when they go wrong.
We will be going on to learn about and how to use the logo program in purple mash.
PE continues to be on a Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure PE kit is in on the first day back for this.
Orange Class Bake Sale
Thank you to all children, staff and parents that came into Orange Class on Thursday 13th February to buy a cake. Well over £100 pound was raised for our class charity - Encephalitis Society. The children took it in turns throuhout the day to bake cookies and muffins with Mr Rainbird, as well as some bringing in some cakes from home. Everyone had lots of fun taking part and lots of fun eating them to!
Spring 1
Happy New Year!
We hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing break over the holiday period.
Here's what we have coming up this half term.
We will begin by looking at stories with issues and dilemmas where we will be reading the text Bill's new frock, where he has a day filled with lots of different issues. See if you can tell your parents all the things that happen to him as we go through the story. We will then look at the features of a persuasive text before using these to create our own.
In Maths, we will begin by looking again at place value before going on to fractions where we will learn how to add and subtract fractions, order them, find a fraction of an amount and how it relates to division. We will then learn about position and division before looking at area of shapes and then addition and subtraction.
Our topic this half term is states of matter, where we learn about solids, liquids and gas. What are the properties of each? Can and how do they change state?
Jesus: Son of God is our topic. Why is Jesus seen as the Son of God to Christians? Where did he get his power and authority from? Where is that seen in the Bible?
We are continuing with our fascinating topic on Ancient Egypt. We will learn about some of their Pharoahs, what ancient Egyptians believed and what life was like for a range of egyptians at that time.
We will also be continuing with our topic looking at the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh. This half term we will look at some features of his artwork and try to replicate them ourselves in our own pieces of art.
At the moment there will be no more swimming or dance (we will have them again later in the year). PE is now on a Monday and Tuesday.
Music continues to be on a Thursday. The children will be learning to play the recorder this half term.
After finishing our topic on spreadsheets, we wil then look at writing for different audiences on purple mash.
French continues to be on a Tuesday afternoon.
Autumn 2
Welcome back after the half term. Read on to find out what we'll be learning this half term.
Our first topic will be Fairy tales where we will be reading the Pied Piper of Hamelin and using this as the basis for writing our own story. We will then go on to look at the features of newspapers, what does this type of recount text need and how can we write an effective one ourselves? We will look at grammar features including using a range of pronouns, noun phrases and speech.
In Maths this half term we will be learning some mental and written methods for multiplication and division. Keep practising your times tables to help you with this. We will then go onto look at measures, in particular measuring the perimeter of shapes. Also we will be looking at statistics where we will present an interpret data.
Our topic is Sound. What is sound? How is it made? How do we hear it? What tyoes of sound are there? How can we make things louder or quieter? Can we stop sound? These are some of the questions we will be learning about. What do you know already? What else do you want to know?
Christmas: exploring the symbolism of Light. Jesus referred to himself as the 'Light of the World'. What does this tell us about the nature of Jesus? Why is this a good picture of who Jesus is? We will be thinking about these and similar questions in relation to the Christmas story.
After finishing our Geography topic we will be going on to learn about Ancient Egypt. This is a fasinating topic that I am sure we will all enjoy. Firstly, we need to learn when this period of history took place before looking at the importance of the River Nile to Ancient Egypt, who the Pharoahs were, what life was like for the rich and the poor and finding out about some of their many Gods.
We will be studing the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh. We will find out about the man himself before looking at some of his work and learning some techniques that we can see in his work, using these to create our own Van Gogh inspired piece.
Our topic is Getting on and Falling out. We are also thinking about Caring friendships and respectful relationships.
PE is on a Tuesday and Dance is on a Thursday so please ensure PE kit is in school on these days. Swimming is on a Wednesday.
Orange Class visits The Young Scientist Centre
On Wednesday 2nd October, Orange Class took a class trip to The Young Scientist Centre based at UCLAN in Preston. Our visit was focussed all around our topic of Electricity which we are currently studying in Science. Throughout the day, the children got the chance to participate in a variety of activities and experiements including 2 pupils creating beams of light and team code cracking.
The pupils also created a selection of circuits using different pieces of equipment and exploring how different circuit layouts had an effect on how electricity travelled and how it affected electrical equipment.
Welcome Back
I hope you all had a lovely summer break whatever you did and are ready to go again. Below is the topics and learning we will be covering this half term. (Please click on the above link to download a copy of our year overview.)
We will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction as well as 2D shape and time. Please encourage children to practice times tables at home, we will be having weekly times table tests in class.
We will be looking at, and learning how to write, our own explanation text, story with a fantasy setting and also learning how to write film and playscripts.
Our topic this half term is electricity. We will have different challenges to investigate to find out more about electricity. We will also be having a trip to UCLAN where we wil take part in some electricity experiments.
We will be learning about God, David and the Psalms. We will learn some key stories about David's life and what we can learn from them as well as what we can learn from the Psalms.
Our topic is all about the Geography of the UK, what coutries make up the UK, what county do we live in, what are some human and physical features of the different regions of the UK?
Our topic is electrical systems. We will look at processes involved in designing and making a product before making our own product that involves an electrical system.
PE is on a Thursday and Dance on a Friday. PE kit needs to be in on these days. Swimming will be on a Tuesday, starting the second weeek back - 10/9/19.
Music will be on a Thursday.
Homework is given out on a Wednesday and is due back on Monday. If it is not back on time or incomplete they will be asked to stay in at break to complete it.
Healthy Week
We need to eat healthily but also keep our bodies fit and healthy by exercising them, which we did lots of during Healthy week. We took part in a martial arts lesson, learning and trying out a range of different techniques. We took part in a mini-mudder challenge - very wet but lots of fun. It involved sliding down a slippery slope, wading through mud, flipping tyres, carrying water and working as team. Also, we had our school sports day taking part in an obstacle course, sprinting, relays, racket and ball and welly throwing events. It is was nice to see pupils encouraging each other as they took part.