Week beginning (4.1.21)
Homework: Week beginning 4th January 2021
I want to start this week by saying a HUGE thank you for all of your kind words, cards and gifts before the holidays. They were very much appreciated. I want to wish you all health and happiness in 2021.
Purple Mash: This week we will begin our maths lessons by looking at time. I have set your child two purple mash tasks this week based on time.
We are working hard to learn the months of the year. Please listen to the song attached and complete the sheet.
Read, Write, Inc: This week your children are moving into their new Read Write Inc groups. The children are continuing to make good progress. In summer term your child will sit the phonics screening test. Please see attached some information regarding this.
Vocabulary- please read and discuss the words on the vocabulary sheet attached.
Thank you for your on-going help and support.
Miss Hargreaves