Autumn 1 2019/20
Brockholes Nature Reserve
As part of our Science learning, we visited Brockholes Nature Reserve. We explored the different habitats they have there. We went birdwatching, searched for minibeasts and made our own minibeasts out of clay.
Visit to Barley
In Geography we have been comparing the town of Burnley with the village of Barley.
We visited Barley to explore the village. We searched for features we had identified at school on a map and did a traffic survey. We also did the Pendle Sculpture Trail.
Living things and their Habitats
In Science we are learning about Living things and their habitats. We went into the school outdoors to look for micro habitats and see what what minibeasts we could find.
Take a look at our finished paintings in the style of Henry Rousseau.
In maths we have been making two digit numbers using practical equipment.
The Jolly Postman
In Literacy we have been reading 'The Jolly Postman'. We wrote questions for some of the characters in the story and then in pairs the children hot-seated the characters.
Class Charter
As a class we discussed what makes a happy classroom. We discussed that we all have the right to learn, the right to feel respected and the right to feel safe. The children came up with rules that everyone agreed to follow to make our classroom a nice place to be.
Autumn 1
Welcome to Pink Class! I hope you all had a lovely break over the summer. My name is Miss Wilkinson and I am the class teacher and I will be working alongside my teaching assistants Mrs Douglas and Mrs Smith.
Take a look at what we will be up to over the Autumn 1 term.
In Literacy we will be looking at stories with familiar settings. We will read and orally learn ‘The Jolly Postman’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg and then innovate the story to write our own version.
We will begin the half term with place value, where we will read, write, compare and order numbers and solve problems. We will also look at partitioning numbers in different ways, estimate and measure length, add and subtract and finally describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
Read, Write, Inc
This year we are teaching reading, writing and phonics through the Read, Write Inc scheme. Pupils will work in ability groups and will be reassessed every half term, so group will be fluid.
Our Science topic this half term is living things and their habitats. We will compare things that are alive, dead and have never been alive, explore and compare some different habitats and the animals that live there and look at simple food chains.
In Geography we will be looking at the village of Barley and comparing it to the town of Burnley.
In PE we will further develop and practice the fundamental movement skills which include running, jumping, hopping, skipping, rolling, kicking, catching and throwing. The children will also do a games unit with Mr Carr and Helen will continue to teach dance to our class on Friday.
In Art, we will be doing an Artist Study of Henry Rousseau. We will be learning how to paint flowers, animals and landscapes in the style of the Artist.
Our first unit will be on creating pictures. We will learn how to use different tools in an Art program on Purple Mash, to create different techniques used by famous Artists. We will also learn about internet safety.
In RE we will be learning about the Bible. We will widen our understanding of the Bible, its contents, presentation and importance to Christians. We will begin to develop children’s understanding of holy books from faiths other than Christianity and their significance in the lives of believers.
In PSHE, our unit is called 'New Beginnings'. We will be thinking about how to feel safe within our class, how to help someone feel better when they are feeling sad, what strategies we can use when we are dealing with impulsive behaviour, looking at suggestions for helping someone who is feeling left out and recording strategies for getting along with others.
In Music we will be doing the ‘Hands, Feet and Heart’ unit of work from the Lancashire music service, where we will learn to sing a song and play a tune on the glockenspiel.
Things to note:
- Reading records will be checked daily. Please record the page number and sign so we know if your child’s book needs changing. Please bring book bags every day as will try to listen to your child’s home reader once a week.
- PE will be on Monday and Thursday. Our PE kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings and black pumps. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is labelled. Earrings must be removed on PE days, unless your child is able to remove their own.
- Homework will go out on a Wednesday and needs to be returned the following Monday. Homework not competed will result in your child staying in at lunchtime to complete it.
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to catch me after school or make an appointment.
Kind regards
Miss Wilkinson