Welcome Letter
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to Year 6 - my name is Mr Papworth and I am the class teacher whilst Mrs Coyne is off. I work alongside Mrs Craggs, who is the teaching assistant.
Please find below some of our expectations.
Homework - This is given out on Wednesday and returned the following Monday. Homework will usually consist of spelling, grammar and maths. Failure to complete homework will result in missed playtime so your child can complete it. I do understand that there are occasions when things happen and of course, should there be a genuine excuse, missed playtime will not happen.
Homework will be set on School Ping with the occasional project set.
Times Tables – children need to have rapid recall of ALL your times tables including the division facts.
They can go on TT rockstars or try the quizzes on timestables.me.uk
Spellings - They also need to be able to spell all the Y5/6 words – I have attached the words for you to practice. Try to find patterns for the words or practice them on
www.spellingframe.co.uk rules 53-62
Reading - it is expected that your child returns their home reading book AT LEAST three times a week. Their home reading record must be signed and with comments if appropriate. Again, should reading books not be returned regularly, your child will miss playtime to read.
At school, we actively encourage Reading for Pleasure, children are free to choose their own reading book from our extensive class library. Should they not be enjoying their book or find it too challenging, they are welcome to change it.
In class, your child will have access to First News (a children's newspaper) and comics, alongside fiction and non-fiction books.
PE Kits - it is expected that these are worn on PE days.
PE kits consist of a white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings and black pumps or trainers.
Water Bottles - your child is more than welcome to bring in their own water bottles - if they don't have one, don't worry, we do have plastic cups that they can use.
Permission Slips, Forms - please return any forms or permission slips as soon as possible. We are no longer allowed to accept verbal permission for trips or for permission for Internet use etc. Should we not have these permissions, your child may miss out on computing and enrichment activities.
Please make sure you have the Ping app enabled as most of our correspondence will be via the app. If you have any problems setting up the app or logging in, please contact the office for help.
Punctuality – Please make sure your child is on time, as learning starts promptly and it is not fair on the other children who are disturbed by late arrivals.
Did you know - 10 minutes late each day adds up to a whole lesson lost per week or a whole week of maths/English each month!
We are always available before and after school should you need to speak to any of us, or if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Mr Papworth