Spring 1
Special Events/Enrichment
Yellow Class - Spring Term 1
Read Write Inc: Children will be assessed upon returning to school and put into reading ability groups. Pupils will do a speed sound lesson each day and read a text three times on separate occasions. The more frequently your child reads at home, the quicker they will progress through the Read, Write, Inc levels and become a fluent reader. Pupils are assessed every six weeks or more frequently if we feel they need moving on to the next level.
English: This year we will be implementing teaching a separate English lesson alongside RWI. This term we are continuing to read 'Supertato'. We will also be writing a story and a poem based on a theme and also we will write a set of instructions on how to capture the evil pea! Please help your child at home by reminding them to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and also remind them to check that their sentences make sense by practicing them orally.
Maths: In Maths, we will be moving onto sequencing and sorting, fractions, capacity and volume, money, time and we will then assess and review at the end of the term. Please continue to support your child at home with the weekly homework tasks.
Science: In Science, we will be learning about materials and their properties. We will also continue to learn about seasonal change and this term our focus will be winter.
Geography: In Geography we will be exploring hot and cold countries. We will look at locating the hot and cold countries of the world and their climate. We will also look at what sort of animals and plants live in hot and cold places .
RE: In RE, we will learn about Jesus. Yellow class will focus on how and why Jesus is special.
Art: In Art we will explore the work of Paul Smith. We will experiment using shade and tone to create our own observational drawings. We will also explore sculptures and create our very own in the style of Paul Smith using clay.
Music: In Music we will be continuing to use the Charanga Music Service. We will be learning to sing and perform the song 'In the Groove.'
PE: In PE we will be beginning our gymnastics we will also be using the Fundamental Movement Skills which will be a selection of three skills. We will also have a weekly dance lesson on a Friday.
Computing: In computing we will be learning about internet safety, Lego builders and Maze Explorers. Please continue to explore Purple Mash at home using your child’s log in which is in their record record.
PSHE: This term our unit is ‘Relationships’.