Week beginning (28.9.20)
Homework: Week beginning 28th September 2020
I would like to thank you for all your support, the children are making brilliant progress and we are delighted with how happy and settled they are. They have all made a fantastic start to Year One.
Purple Mash: This week I have set your child 2 ‘To dos’.
- Draw a picture of yourself and label it.
- Human Body quiz
Maths: We have been looking at the place value of different numbers and that each number is made up of a group of tens and ones. For example, 16 is made up of 1 group of 10 and 6 ones. Please complete the sheet attached with your child.
The link below is a song to try and help your child remember this concept. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uedvwH6Ay18&safe=active
- Read, Write, Inc bookmark- practice reading and spelling the words on your given bookmark.
- The link below is called ‘Parent Video: how to say the sounds’ please play this to your child regularly. They can listen and copy the girl on the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkXcabDUg7Q
This will really help your child to make progress with their reading.
- Vocabulary- please continue to read and discuss the words on the vocabulary sheet below.
Thank you for your on-going help and support.
Miss Hargreaves
History (Family Album/Toys then and now) Key Vocabulary:
Past – it has already happened.
Present – it is happening now.
Chronological order - putting something in order by its age.
Science (Human body and senses)
Key Vocabulary:
Human body – the parts of our body.
Senses – the way we find out about the word.
Living – something that is alive.
Non – living - something that is not alive.