Manchester Airport Trip 16.05.23
What a fantastic day we had at the airport today! We arrived and had our picnic lunch watching the planes land and take off on the runway. We were even joined by a little sparrow who wanted some of our sandwiches. After lunch we were lucky enough to see the biggest passenger plane ever made land on the runway. We were mesmerised by how huge the plane was – double decker! (Airbus A380).We then joined our cabin crew, Lucy and Steve, for a tour of Runway Visitors Park. We went on board an Avro RJX 100. This plane can land on sand, grass and even water! We learnt the names of the parts of the plane and that planes are made from a special metal called aluminium. We also got to see a concord, a plane that isn’t flown anymore, but was the fastest passenger plane ever. After our tour we went to the ‘classroom’ on board a DC-10 where we got to role play the different airport and aeroplane roles, including being Captains and First Officers.
We learnt so much! Here are some questions you could ask us about our learning:
- Who drives a plane?
- What is the name of the fastest plane that ever flew?
- What was something really special we saw? Why was it special?
- The little aeroplane we went on could land in 3 special places. What are they?
- What materials are aeroplanes made from? Can you remember the specific name of the type of material?
Picnic Lunch With A View... And A Flying Friend
Touring The Aircraft

Onboard A DC-10

Some Very Sleepy Children On The Way Back!