Friday 5th February 2021
Home Learning- Friday 5th February 2021 – YELLOW CLASS
Good morning children
HAPPY FRIDAY! Welcome to your last day of home learning. Well done.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Zoom later this morning.
Read, Write Inc
If you haven’t already done so, register for free on oxford owl. Here your child can continue to read books at the correct level. Follow the link below to register.
Ask your child whose group they are in for Read, Write, Inc and then see below for their Read, Write, Inc level. If your child does not know or can’t remember, please email me or contact school.
Mrs Ditta and Mrs Douglas - Red Ditty group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Chadwick - Green group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Hargreaves - Pink group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Yates - Blue group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Wilkinson - Grey group (set 3 sounds)
Click the link below to watch a daily speed sound and spelling lesson. Then read one book at the correct level on Oxford Owl.
Set 2 Reading ‘ou’
Set 2 Spelling ‘ou’
Set 3 Reading ‘aw’
Set 3 Spelling ‘aw’
Red words (also known as tricky words) need to be practised daily.
Click the link below for this week’s red words matching your child’s reading level above. These are the same words all week as they need to know these fluently.
Red Ditty-
Starter: Recap learning from earlier this week with the counting starter.
Main activity:
Live lesson: To recognise the value of different coins (Part 1) In this lesson you will be naming the coins and beginning to know the values they hold.
Then I have set a '2do' for you to complete on ‘Purple Mash’.
Good afternoon
R.E Our topic this term is Jesus was Special (Lesson 5 - Learning Challenge - To begin to be able to make the connections between the Bible stories and Christian beliefs about Jesus).
Discuss – Imagine you have a packed lunch for school. One day you come to school and you're the ONLY person with a lunch. Nobody else has brought any dinner. What thoughts would go through your mind? What would you do?
Activity – Who likes picnics? Watch the story ‘The feeding of the five thousand’ whilst sharing a drink of juice and a biscuit or sandwich together or you could even have a picnic. Don’t forget to take photos.
Imagine you were the little boy in the story write a letter or a few sentences to say what happened and what would it have felt like to be there? Think about what would have happened if there had been nobody with a picnic to share?
See example below – It doesn’t need to be this long!
Computing – See attached lesson plan.