Key Information
Parent Welcome Meeting Information
Maths Parent Help Videos
What To Expect In The Early Years
Uniform Reminder
Children are expected to wear:
- Yellow Polo Shirt
- Blue Jumper or Cardigan (Preferably with The School Logo)
- Black Skirt or Trousers
- Black Shoes or Black Trainers
- Yellow or Blue Gingham Summer Dresses
Children must not have hairstyles fitting the following descriptions:
- Lines shaved into the hair
- Patterns shaved into the hair
- Hairstyles which are extreme. This includes hairstyles where the sides are much shorter than the top.
- Hair must be the child natural hair colour, no dyes etc.
On PE days, it is an expectation that children are in full PE kit:
- School Jumper
- White T-shirt
- Black Shorts/ Leggings
- Velcro Pumps
For PE lessons children must not be wearing earrings.
All our school uniform with the school logo on can be purchased at J3 on Standish Street, Burnley.
Please make sure all Uniform and PE Kit are very clearly labelled with your child's full first name or initials.
PE day is a Tuesday. If this changes for any reason we shall let you know as soon as possible via PING.
Reading & Home Learning
Reading books shall be changed on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child's reading pack is in their bookbag every day so we can read with them in school. Don't forget to write in your child's reading journal when they have read at home - you could also pop a note in if there is anything they are finding tricky at home so we can offer tips and advice.
Home Learning is sent out via SchoolPING on Wednesday afternoons. It will contain RWI videos for your child to watch at least once before the following Monday when the videos will no longer being active. We shall monitor who is accessing the videos each week.
Key Person
Your child has been allocated a Key Person. This will be either Miss Franklin, Mr Hobin or Mrs Holden. We are all happy to speak to you regarding your child, but your child's Key Person will be your main contact within school. They will work closely with your child in school and can update you on your child's progress when you would like this information.
We operate an open door policy and we are happy to speak to any parents that wish to speak to us. This is better after school, but if it is something that may affect your child during the school day, then we will be more than happy to listen in the mornings. Miss Franklin, EYFS Class Teacher and EYFS Leader, is always available via email (see main Class Page).
Online Safety
This is a helpful article explaining how to keep your child safe online. Please have a read.
Also, 'childnet' have released some resources for online safety activities that can be done at home.
Read Write Inc.
In Reception and KS1 we follow the RWI scheme for teaching Phonics, Reading and Writing. When the children start in Reception full time we will begin teaching the Set 1 Sounds, learning one new sound a day. Please use the link below to support your child with pure reading of phonics sounds.
There are free resources for parents to support your child with their reading on the 'Oxford Owl' website, see the link below. They even have some free online reading books!