Spring 2
Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term
Here is what will be learning about this half term.
Literacy: We will continue with the Read, Write Inc scheme to develop our reading and writing skills. It is very important that the children learn their red words for homework as all the children will be taking the phonics check test in the summer term to assess their phonics knowledge. This is a national test that all Year One children take.
In the afternoon we will be reading a story called 'Lost and Found' where a boy makes an unusual friendship with a penguin. We will explore the characters and do some short writing activities based on the book. We will then use our storytelling actions to learn the story off by heart.
Homework: It is very important that the children learn their spelling bookmark for homework as all the children will be taking the phonics check test in the summer term to assess their phonics knowledge. This is a national test that all year one children have to take. I will be sending home a phonics check parents’ booklet shortly. We aim to listen to home readers once a week, however these are home readers to be read at home. We encourage you to listen to your child read as much as possible at home, even if it is only a few pages a day. The more your child reads at home, the more quickly they will progress with their reading.
Maths: In maths, we will investigate measurement of mass and length, through the use of practical activities. We will recap addition and subtraction methods and apply this learning to problem solving contexts. We will also learn about fractions of shapes and amounts and begin to tell the time to the hour and half past.
Science: In Science we will be learning about everyday materials. The objectives we will be covering are:
- Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.
- Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock (and brick, paper and cardboard).
- Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.
- Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.
History: In History we will be learning about homes. We will learn about the different types of homes people live in today and identify the features of our homes. We will then look at Victorian homes and household items and compare them to today.
Design Technology: In DT we will be learning how to make a fruit salad. We will learn about the different parts of fruits and vegetables, where they grow and which part is eaten. We will explore existing recipes and use our senses to taste and describe different fruits. We will learn how to peel and chop fruits and then design and make our own fruit salads.
RE: In RE we will be continuing with our Jesus was special unit where we will learn about Jesus’ disciples and read many bible stories about Jesus and his teachings. We will move onto our Easter unit where we explore these key questions:
- What do you think is the most important part of the Easter Story?
- In what way is the Easter Story about new life?
- How do you think people feel when someone they love has died?
- How does the life cycle of a butterfly reflect the events of Easter?
- In what way is Easter a new beginning?
MUSIC: In our music lessons we will be doing another of the Charanga units from the Lancashire music service. We will listen to and appraise new songs, continue to do pulse, pitch and rhythm games learn to sing a song and play a simple composition on the glockenspiel.
PE: In PE we will be doing a games unit and will have a dance lesson every week. The objectives covered in the games unit are:
- To explore the skill of catching a ball
- To develop travelling skills
- To catch a ball with two hands
- To develop the skill of bouncing a ball with control
- To revise the skill of catching and bouncing a ball
- To apply simple tactics in a game
- To bounce a ball while travelling in a game
Computing: In computing we will be learning how to organise store and retrieve data in a range of digital formats. The key learning objectives are:
To understand that:
- information comes from different sources
- data can be collected and information can be represented using pictures
- computing allows data to be added quickly and changed quickly
- data presented graphically can be easier to construct and understand than written form
- there is a connection between data collected in class (verbally, tally etc.) and presented on screen
- the longer the column in a pictogram the higher the number
PSHE: In our PSHE lessons we will be thinking about relationships.