Key Information
Homework will be given out on a weekly basis and it is important that it is completed to help consolidate and secure what we have been learning in class. Homework will be given out on Wednesday and needs to be returned by the following Monday. If homework is not handed in or completed, children will complete it at break and/or lunch time. I know that sometimes there may be exceptional circumstances which mean that homework was not able to be completed, but please let me know if this is the case.
Our PE day is Tuesday and children need to come into school in their PE kit: Trainers, black jogging bottoms, PE T-shirt and their school jumper. We will be going swimming on Wednesdays and children need to make sure they have their swimming kit with them: swimming kit/trunks, towel and a swimming cap for girls.
Please make sure you are signed up to out school ping app. When we go on school trips, permission slips will be sent via our school ping app for you to respond to. The school newsletter is sent weekly via ping and other messages and information will be communicated via ping. Please make sure you check it regularly for any up to date information.
If you have any concerns about your child at school you are welcome to speak to me at the beginning or end of the school day or contact me via email. My email address is at the top of the Orange class page on the website.