Week beginning (21.9.20)
Homework: Week beginning 21st September 2020
(This is also posted on our class page on the school website, where you can access the direct links).
- Purple Mash: Last week I sent your child home with their log in details for purple mash.
- To access this website please go to the purple mash website: www.purplemash.com
- Then type in your child’s log in details.
- When you have successfully logged in press the ‘2do’ symbol in the red box. That will show up any work set for your child.
- When completed if you press hand in your child’s work will come directly to me.
This week I have set your child a ‘To do’ called senses. We have been learning all about our senses in science. Please help your child to complete the quiz.
History: This term we have been learning about toys from the past. Please watch the following magic grandad clip and discuss the difference between toys from the past and toys they have now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4InbddoC7g
- Read, Write, Inc bookmark- Please help your child practice reading and spelling the words on your given bookmark. Library books are changed and sent home on a Thursday to return to school on the following Wednesday. This is to encourage reading for pleasure. Please share the book with your child.
- Maths: This week please could you help your child write numbers 1-20. On the sheet attached.
- Vocabulary: please see the attached vocabulary sheet for this half term to read and discuss with your child.
Thank you for your on-going help and support.
Miss Hargreaves
History (Family Album/Toys then and now) Key Vocabulary:
Past – it has already happened.
Present – it is happening now.
Chronological order - putting something in order by its age.
Science (Human body and senses)
Key Vocabulary:
Human body – the parts of our body.
Senses – the way we find out about the word.
Living – something that is alive.
Non – living - something that is not alive.