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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Home Learning- Tuesday 12th January 2021 – YELLOW CLASS


I would like to start todays home learning by saying a HUGE thank you to all parents and carers for supporting your child with their home learning and emailing me each day with it. It is so lovely to see how hard the children are working at home.


Joe Wicks is also back this week at 9am every morning on his YouTube channel.


Read, Write Inc

If you haven’t already done so, register for free on Oxford Owl. Here your

child can continue to read books at the correct level. Follow the link below to



Ask your child whose group they are in for Read, Write, Inc and then see below

for their Read, Write, Inc level. Some children have changed groups after the

Christmas holidays. If your child does not know, please email me to ask or

contact school.

Mrs Ditta and Mrs Douglas - Red Ditty group (set 2 sounds)

Miss Chadwick - Green group (set 2 sounds)

Miss Hargreaves - Pink group (set 3 sounds)

Miss Yates - Blue group (set 3 sounds)

Miss Wilkinson - Grey group (set 3 sounds)


Click the link below to watch a daily speed sound and spelling lesson. Then read

one book at the correct level on Oxford Owl.


Set 2 Reading ‘oo’ (look) -

Set 2 Spelling ‘oo’ (look) -

Set 3 Reading ‘u-e’ -

Set 3 Spelling ‘u-e’ -


Red words (also known as tricky words) need to be practised daily.

Click the link below for this week’s red words matching your child’s reading level

above. These are the same words all week as they need to know these fluently.

Red Ditty-






Maths –

Starter; please highlight the odd and even numbers on the interactive hundred square to 50. Odd in blue and even in red. See if your child can spot what makes a number odd and what makes a number even? 


Today’s online lesson; Comparing and ordering numbers within 50 (Part 1) In this lesson, you will be comparing and ordering numbers within 50. Press on the link below.  


After that please complete the sheet attached. 


Geography Lesson 2. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to name the 7 continents and label them on a map.


A globe shows where there is land and sea on Earth.

A continent is a large area of land.  There are seven continents on Earth. The continents closest to the equator are the hottest.

Introduce the idea concept that Earth is like a puzzle, made of great big pieces which fit together to make our world. Some of these pieces are wet, these are our oceans, some of them are dry, these are called continents. We will be learning about the continents and what their weather is like.


Todays online lesson;


After that please complete the sheet attached labelled ‘Geography Map – continent lesson’.

When you have finished your lesson play and sing continents song this is a fun way of remembering them.   
