Dear Parent and Carers,
Here at St Peter’s C of E Primary School our mission statement is 'Every Child of God Matters' and we feel it is important to work together with parents and carers to make sure we provide the best possible education for all our pupils. We ensure that the teaching matches the child’s needs and ensure all pupils can make progress.
Yet despite this, some children experience difficulties at some time during their education. This can be difficulties with learning, social and emotional needs or medical needs however most children will be able to overcome these difficulties.
There are some children who will need extra help with their learning in the class room and may also need to work in smaller groups for additional support at other times in the school day.
The children whose teachers have the most concern for are identified and placed on a school register that identifies them as having Special Educational Needs (SEN) that requires differentiated work and additional support.
The children placed on our special educational needs register and have targets set for them to help them progress with their learning. The progress of these pupils is reviewed each term.
If your child is identified as having Special Educational Needs, you will be invited to talk to the class teacher and myself, the Special Needs Coordinator. In some cases we may discuss the possibility of seeking the expert advice of an outside agency, e.g. Learning Support Services, the Educational Psychologist or the Visual / Hearing Impairment Teams.
If you would like to discuss your child’s progress at any point just ring the main office and arrange a convenient time.
Yours sincerely
Miss Wilkinson
Please contact Lisa Duerden, the Senior Business Support Officer for further information about the school and to arrange a meeting with Miss Wilkinson the Special Educational Needs Coordinator.
Tel: 01282 426873 or email
Our admission policy states that the number of places available for admission to the Reception class will be a maximum of 30. The governing body will not place any restrictions on admissions to the reception class unless the number of children for whom admission is sought exceeds their admission number. By law, no infant class may contain more than thirty children.
The Governing Body operates a system of equal preferences under which they consider all preferences equally and the Local Authority notifies parents of the result. In the event that there are more applicants than places, after admitting all children with a statement of educational need or an educational, health and care plan naming the school, the governing body will allocate places using the criteria below, which are listed in order of priority.
1. (a) Children in public care and previously looked after children.
(b) Children with special, medical or social circumstances affecting the child where these needs can only be met at this school.
Professional supporting evidence from a professional, e.g. a doctor, psychologist, social worker, is essential if admission is to be made under the criterion for special medical or social circumstances, and such evidence must set out the particular reasons why the school in question is the most suitable school and the difficulties which would be caused if the child had to attend another school.