Worship Group
As a Church of England School we encourage our children to take an active role in leading Worship. Worship Group lead an act of Worship on a half termly basis and regularly help the Head Teacher, Father Paul and Staff with Bible readings, prayers and drama during Worship. Our year 6 Worship leaders set up hymns, the projector and prepare for our act of Worship each day.
As a School, we visit St. Peter’s Church at least four times each year to take part in important services, which may include, Harvest festival, Christmas, Ash Wednesday and Easter. Our children also visit St. Peter’s Church on a half-termly basis and take part in Holy Communion with the congregation.
Each term we visit St Peter's Church for worship and workshop after school. This is open to all children from Year 1 – year 6 who attend the School and is run by Meena Tomlinson, from St Peter's Sunday School and school staff.
Our Christian values are very important to us and we endeavour to live them out in all that we do.
Our core values are love, respect, service, forgiveness and trust.
Over two years we look at the following core values generosity, compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendship, respect, thankfulness, trust, perseverance, justice, service and truthfulness.