Autumn 2
Autumn 2: Let's Celebrate!
Medium Term Plan
This medium term plan is subject to change, following children's interests and responses to activities and learning.
Units this term...
EYFS: I Am Special (continued)
EYFS: Christmas
UCF2: Why do Christians perform Nativity plays at Christmas?
Weekly Updates
w.b. 01.11.21
This week our main learning has been about Bonfire Night. We watched a firework display on the whiteboard and talked about the colours, shapes and noises we could see and hear from the fireworks.
We learnt that we celebrate Bonfire Night in England because Guy Fawkes did not succeed in blowing up the Houses of Parliment with King James inside. We also learnt that you must always check Bonfires before you light them for little animals that may be underneath taking shelter from the weather, like hedgehogs.
We did splatter painting firework pictures, made a big bonfire collage using autumn leaves and used magic paper to make individual firework pictures.
Underneath the pictures of our Firework Art is the link to the pictures and information about our other very exciting learning this week... our Autumn Walk to Thompson Park!
w.b. 08.11.21
This week we have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Diwali, the 'Festival of Lights'. We created our own Rangoli patterns using lots of different art media. We learnt 7 ways that Hindu people celebrate Diwali:
- Visiting the temple
- Cleaning and tidying the house and then decorating it
- Eating special food
- Giving old clothes and toys to charity
- Giving gifts
- Lighting Diya candles
- Fireworks
We also learnt the story of 'Rama and Sita', the reason Diwali is celebrated. You can watch this video at home which tells the story - the children were very surprised that Ravana had 10 heads and 20 arms!
After the video is a link to the pictures from Maths Week 2021 activities.
w.b. 15.11.21
It has been a VERY busy week in Red Class this week. We have been learning about all Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. It has also been 'World Nursery Rhyme' week, 'Anti-Bullying' week, 'NSPCC: Speak Out. Stay Safe.' day and 'Children In Need' day!
On the links below you can find our performances of two of our favourite Nursery Rhymes we have learnt this week and some information on some special letters we have been writing for Remembrance Day.
w.b. 22.11.21
We started our week with a Samba Drumming workshop first thing on Monday morning. We all loved playing the special drums and learning to follow a conductor and play with rhythm.
Having finished our learning about birthdays and WOWed everybody with the facts we had learnt, as a special treat we had a Pinata. A Pinata is hung from the ceiling, filled with sweets or chocolate. We learnt it is a traditional way of celebrating a birthday in Mexico. We all had a turn at hitting it to try and break it open, but we needed a little help in the end... It turns out it is quite tricky!
w.b. 29.11.21
Below are two pictures which are clues as to what we have been learning about in class this week. One is our theme focus for this week and one was an exciting activity to spark some Christmas excitement. Ask us about them and what we have learnt...
There is also the link below to the information and pictures about our exciting enrichment opportunity from Friday 3rd December.
w.b. 06.12.21
This week we have been learning all about Road Safety. We learnt a song on Wednesday to help us remember how to safely cross the road. Please watch the video below.
Road Safety Song
Road Safety Song (to the tune of 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush')
This is the way we cross the road,
cross the road, cross the road.
This is the way we cross the road:
we stop, we look, we listen.
We stand at the curb and look both ways,
look both ways, look both ways.
We stand at the curb and look both ways.
We stop, we look, we listen.
We stand at the curb and listen for cars,
listen for cars, listen for cars.
We stand at the curb and listen for cars.
We stop, we look, we listen!