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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Summer 2

Green Class – Summer 2


Our first unit this half term will be a classic poetry unit based on the poem, ‘The Spider and the Fly’ by Mary Howitt. In key skills, we will recap our previous learning on adverbs, adjectives and verbs and also look at effective use of prepositions. We will explore the vocabulary of the poem thinking about the imagery it creates. The children will also explore the characters of the Spider and Fly. During this unit, the children will write in role as the different characters and explore how the poem makes them feel. We will also prepare a performance of the poem virtually for parents and live for other classes in school. Our non-fiction unit this half term is Explanation texts. We will link this to our Science unit from last half term and write some explanations about plants.


In maths this half term we will use a vertical number line for division, explore decimal place value including ordering numbers with one decimal place and estimating and placing numbers on a number line. We will also focus on calculation, applying skills taught in previous terms in problem solving contexts such as money. Finally the children will be exploring fractions; comparing and ordering fractions, placing them on an unmarked number line, equivalent fractions and finding fractions of amounts.


Our Science topic this half term is Rocks. We will be comparing and grouping together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties, describing in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock and recognizing that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.


This half term, we will be looking at jewellery in art. We will looking at examples of some jewllery from early civilisations and of some famous jewellery makers. We are then going to learn how to make a paper beads and then design and make our own piece of jewellery using this technique.




Our Purple Mash computing unit this half term is Branching Databases. Key learning includes sorting objects using just ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, completing a branching database using 2Question and creating a branching database of the children’s choice.


We will finishing off our litter survey in our local area. The children will discuss the effects of litter in the local environment and choose an area they feel needs improvement. We will conduct a litter survey and discuss what steps we can take to make improvements, which could include writing to our local councillor and speaking to local residents and also creating posters to display in the local area.


Our History unit is The Romans. We will start our learning with a trip to Chester Roman Museum. Following this, the children will further explore who the Romans were, where they came from and their reasons for invading Britain. We will then explore the impact of Roman life and society on Britain then and now.


Our RE unit this half term is called, ‘What rules should we follow?’ In this unit we will consider the value and purpose of rules, examine Christian rules for living and the source of these rules, encourage pupils to reflect upon their own lifestyle and the influences upon it and consider the rules followed by other faiths and the ways in which the rules influence behaviour and decisions.


This half term, our French learning will be all about going on a picnic. The children will learn French food nouns and practise asking for things politely. We will recap colours and numbers and learn how to ask and answer questions about where we live.


This half term we will continue our work on Health and Wellbeing. We will begin by recapping on our learning about healthy lifestyles as we are taking part in Healthy Week. We will look at the positive effects of exercise and diet on our bodies and think about the effects of our diet on our oral hygiene. We will then move onto looking at personal strengths and achievements: managing and reframing setbacks. Finally, we will explore risks and hazards in the local environment and in unfamiliar places.



In PE this half term we will be covering a striking and fielding unit playing Cricket and also invasion games, playing handball.


Our music lessons will continue to be taught by Mrs Spall on a Thursday.

We have no dance this half term.
