Spring 1
Green Class – Spring Term 1
Our unit this half term will be based around the novel, The Iron Man. Our grammar focus will be on adverbs and revisiting complex sentences using the conjunctions, when, while, before and after. Throughout the unit, we will focus on writing in role as different main characters. We will also explore how the author develops character and setting in the opening paragraphs of each chapter before writing our version of a section of the story.
We will start this half term with division, focusing on sharing and grouping then moving onto division using repeated subtraction on a number line. We will then move onto place value, addition and subtraction. We will round numbers to the nearest 100 and add and subtract in tens and ones crossing boundaries. Later in the half term we will also revisit multiplication.
We will start by finishing our Science unit on the Skeleton. Following this, our new Science topic this half term is Light. We will identify different light sources as we recognize that we need light to see things. We will be exploring how light reflects from surfaces and how light from the sun can be dangerous. We will also explore how shadows are formed and look for patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
Our Purple Mash computing unit this half term is spreadsheets. The children will edit and add data to a table and look at how spreadsheet programmes can automatically create graphs. They will explore the more than, less than and equals symbols and recognise how cells are described using letter and number notation.
This half term the children will investigate their local area of Burnley. The children will study the landscape of Burnley now and in the past and consider why it has changed. They will look at the impact of the mill industry and how this altered Burnley’s landscape. They will be looking for evidence of Burnley’s past in the landscape today. We are hoping that we will be able to incorporate a visit to the old weaving mill, Queen Street Mill.
Our RE unit this half term is called ‘Called by God’. Our key questions include; What does it mean to be called by God? In what ways does God call people? How does God speak to people? What sort of tasks does God call people to do? Who has been/or could be called by God? We will answer these questions through exploring stories of prophets from the Old Testament.
This half term, we will be learning some animal nouns in French and how to ask the question ‘What is it?’ and say an animal noun as an answer. The children will be able to tell someone what their favourite animal is and recognise some plural animals nouns. They will also use a model to write sentences about animals.
This half term we will be catching up on our Money and Work unit, looking at possible stereotypes around certain jobs, We will also look at setting personal goals. Following this will be our unit on Families and Relationships, focusing on what makes a family and different variations of families and family life.
In PE this half term we will continue with Net and Wall Unit core task 2 (Tennis). We will also be covering a Gymnastics unit.
Helen will continue to teach our dance lessons on a Thursday morning.
Our music lessons will continue to be taught by Mrs Spall on Monday morning.