Summer Term 1
Down On The Farm & In The Earth
Medium Term Plan
Below is the Medium Term Plan for this term, Summer 1 2020-2021.
This plan:
- identifies the main topic for the term - Down On The Farm & In The Earth
- shows how the main topic will be covered over the course of the term (weekly themes)
- lists the Core Texts we shall be using to develop the weekly themes
- sets out the activities for each of the areas to develop the weekly theme
- highlights the purpose for each of the activities (Key Learning)
The 'Key Learning' is taken directly from the LCC produced 'EYFS Planning for Learning for Early Adopter Schools; Skills, Knowledge, Concepts' publication for Lancashire schools. The document sets out the Key Learning (S, K, C'S) for children within the EYFS in all seven areas of learning and development.
Core Texts 'Down On The Farm & In The Earth':
- Farmer Duck
- Little Baa
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Yucky Worms
RE Units this term:
Special Places
Key Vocabulary: Church, Mosque, Temple, Jesus, Holy
What have we been up to this term?
Week Beginning 12th April 2021
We have had a very busy week this week...
On Monday we released the butterflies that had hatched from their cocoon's over the Easter Holidays (at Miss Franklin's house). We have more caterpillars now which we can watch turn into butterflies this term.
On Tuesday we decided the 5 activities we would do for Well-Being Week. We made paper flowers for Bank Hall Care Home and 'Thank You' cards for the staff at school.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we started our Innocent Big Grow project, planting seeds for various vegetables. We are looking forward to watching them grow and eating them when they have all fully grown.
Releasing The Butterflies
Well-Being Week
Innocent Big Grow
For more updates on our 'Innocent Big Grow', please follow the link below: