Summer 1 2018/19
Summer Term 1 2018/19
Welcome back to the Summer Term. We have lots of new and exciting learning planned. Read below to find out what we will be getting up to.
In Literacy we will be reading ‘The Lighthouse keeper's Lunch’. We will explore the characters and events and learn part of the story off by heart. We will then innovate the story and write our own version. We will then move on to letter writing. We will explore a range of texts, focusing on ‘The day the crayons quit’ and ‘the day the crayons came home’.
We will begin the term with work on place value. We will be using apparatus to represent, compare and order numbers. We will be rounding numbers to the nearest ten and using knowledge of place value to solve problems. We will move onto addition and subtraction using practical equipment and pictorial representations. We will learn about temperature, read scales and estimate and measure capacity. Finally we will be learning about fractions and time.
Guided Reading
We will continue to do daily guided and shared reading sessions which will include reading, oral comprehension and written comprehension.
In Science we will continue to find out about the uses of materials. We will be working in groups to investigate different materials for a specific purpose. We will make predictions, plan investigations and discuss findings. We will also learn which materials are natural and which are manmade.
In History we will be investigating what our school was like a long time ago. We will use information and photos to compare school life a long time ago to school today. We will also look at the history of our church.
Our RE unit this half term is called ‘Why is the church a special place?’ Key questions we will be discussing are:
- What makes a place special? Where is your special place?
- What do you think makes a Church a special place?
- Why is the church a special place for Christians?
- Why/when do people go to Church? What happens in the Church?
- What makes a place holy/sacred?
- Why do people of other faiths have their own special buildings?
- Why do people build special places to meet and worship?
In PSHE, we will be using the heart smart resources to learn about the importance of forgiveness, how holding onto unforgiveness can make us feel and we will reflect on helpful ways to deal with hurt. We will also be thinking about different situations where we get stuck, how to persevere and finding ways to overcome challenges.
In PE we will be learning skills for athletics and will continue to have one lesson of dance each week.
In computing we will be working through the coding unit on purple mash. We will learn to write a program that controls how a character moves, explain how to use the following terms in a computer program: Command, Repeat, Input, Output, Event, Collision Detection and Timer and debug simple programs
In Music we will use the Lancashire music hub to learn to sing and perform ‘The friendship song’. We will listen to and appraise songs and do warm up games using the pulse, pitch and rhythm of the music.Welcome back to the Summer Term. We have lots of new and exciting learning planned. Read below to find out what we will be getting up to.