Summer 1
Take a look around our classroom this term!
Hello and welcome back to Summer 1. Here's some information about what we will be learning during the half term.
Read Write Inc.
This half term we will be continuing our Read Write Inc programme. It teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly and compose their ideas step-by-step. Please continue to listen to your child read every night. Reading books are changed on a Monday and a Thursday when they have read 3 times.
In Math's we will be covering 'lost learning'. Due to the pandemic some learning has been missed therefore this half term we will be looking at;
- Number and Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Fractions
Our Science unit is plants. We will learn about the different parts of a plant and learn the names of common plants. We will plant some of our own plants and work scientifically by observing and describing changes in investigations.
Key Questions:
- How do plants change?
- Is it a plant? How do we know?
- Can we name the different parts of a plant?
- Are all plants the same?
- Is a tree a plant?
- How many different plants can we find/name?
- Are all leaves the same?
- Can you draw a leaf?
- Are leaves always green?
- Which parts of a plant can we eat?
- Is it a fruit or a vegetable?
- Are all roots the same?
- How many colours can you find in nature?
In Geography we are learning about our local area. We will be thinking about what our school building is like and the surrounding local area. What do we like/dislike about our local area and how can we improve it? We will also do a local area walk to identify key features of our local area.
Key Questions:
- What geographical features are there in the school grounds?
- Where is our school located?
- What sort of area is it in?
- Who lives in this area?
- Who works in this area? Where do they work and what jobs might they do?
- What geographical features can we see within a short walking distance from our school?
- What features can we see in the distance? How do we get to school? Who walks, who comes by car? Do we all live nearby? What routes do we use?
In DT we will be learning how to make a puppet and the skills involved with that.
In RE we will be learning about Baptism. The key questions we will be thinking about are:
- What does it mean to ‘belong?’
- What is baptism? Why are some people baptised?
- Why is baptism special?
- What is a promise? Where is it kept? How is it kept?
- What makes you feel as if you are part of God’s family?
- How do people of faith welcome new babies?
In Music we will be doing another Charanga unit where we will continue to learn about rhythm and pulse through different games and will learn and perform a new song.
PE is now on a Tuesday and a Friday. In PE, we will develop the skill of kicking with increased accuracy in small group games. We will explore the great outdoors and take part in trails and simple team building activities.
Our PSHE unit is ‘Health and wellbeing’. We will look at keeping healthy; food and exercise; hygiene routines and sun safety. We will also be looking at recognising what makes them unique and special and how to manage their feelings.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Hargreaves.