Spring 1
Green Class – Spring 1
Our first unit this half term will be poems with a structure. We will learn about Haikus through reading different examples and exploring their structure. Alongside this, verbs will be our key skill focus. We will be identifying, generating and selecting different verbs to use in our poems. Our next narrative unit is based on the Paddington stories by Michael Bond. As we read Paddington we will explore vocabulary and develop our understanding of characters and events. We will also make comparisons between the written text and film version. Finally, we will look for common themes in the stories and innovate a chapter using our own ideas.
We will start this half term with time. We will be telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and then challenging ourselves to tell the time to the nearest minute. We will also record and compare times. We will then move onto place value, addition and subtraction. We will round numbers to the nearest 100 and add and subtract in tens and ones crossing boundaries. Later in the half term we will also cover multiplication, division and fractions.
Our new Science topic this half term is Light. We will identify different light sources as we recognize that we need light to see things. We will be exploring how light reflects from surfaces and how light from the sun can be dangerous. We will also explore how shadows are formed and look for patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.
Our DT unit is a food technology unit. We will be looking at creating a heartwarming and heathy soup. We will start by exploring different existing soup products and linking back to our previous History unit about the Stone Age to Iron Age. The children will be encouraged to think about what sorts of foods would have been available during this time and how this simple food has been adapted by foods and spices from other parts of the world. We will explore seasonality of ingredients from which the children will plan and make their own soup. Within this, we will recap on the Eatwell plate and Healthy Eating unit from Science.
Our Purple Mash computing unit this half term is Coding. In this unit we will be understanding what a flowchart is and how flowcharts are used in computer programming, finding out that that there are different types of timers and selecting the right type for our purpose and understanding how to use the repeat command and the importance of nesting. We will apply what we have learnt to designing and creating an interactive scene.
This half term the children will investigate earthquakes and volcanoes: what they are; why they happen; and how they affect the landscape and human activity.
Our RE unit this half term is called ‘Jesus the man who changed lives’. Key questions that we will be exploring include: What does ‘change’ mean?, How can our lives be changed?, Is it easy to change?, How did Jesus change lives?, When did/does Jesus change lives? What happens when Jesus changes a person’s life? Through exploring these questions we will deepen our understanding of the impact Jesus had/has on people’s lives.
This half term, we will be learning some animal nouns in French and how to ask the question ‘What is it?’ and say an animal noun as an answer. The children will be able to tell someone what their favourite animal is and recognise some plural animals nouns. They will also use a model to write sentences about animals.
This half term we will be catching up on our Money and Work unit, looking at different jobs and possible stereotypes around certain jobs, We will also look at setting personal goals. Following this will be our unit on Families and Relationships, focusing on what makes a family and different variations of families and family life.
In PE this half term we will continue with Net and Wall Unit core task 2 (Tennis). We will also be covering a Gymnastics unit which will include a Coach coming in to work alongside Mr Carr.
Helen will continue to teach our dance lessons on a Thursday morning.
Our music lessons will continue to be taught by Mrs Spall on a Thursday.