Tuesday 5th January 2021
Home learning- Tuesday 5th January 2020 – YELLOW CLASS
Please complete today’s home learning. See below.
Read, Write, Inc.
If you haven’t already done so, register for free on oxford owl. Here your child can continue to read books at the correct level. Follow the link below to register.
Ask your child whose group they are in for Read, Write, Inc and then see below for their Read, Write, Inc level. Some children have changed groups after the Christmas holidays. The children were in their new groups yesterday, however, if your child does not know, please email me to ask or contact school.
Mrs Douglas - Red Ditty group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Chadwick - Green group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Hargreaves - Pink group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Yates - Blue group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Wilkinson- Grey group (set 3 sounds)
Click the link below to watch a daily speed sound and spelling lesson. Then read one book at the correct level on Oxford Owl.
Set 2 Reading ‘ay’- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/jAMjoxul/5pB2jU4u
Set 2 Spelling ‘ay’- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/vRFG2zDp/d2NxcJ2A
Set 3 Reading ‘ea’- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/KHK7RsGH/lm3rLbVK
Set 3 Spelling ‘ea’- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/5UIEOj8L/b49iGh4J
Red words (also known as tricky words) need to be practised daily. Click the link below for this week’s red words matching your child’s reading level above.
Red Ditty- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/xqs3BCcr/BPrmyC6V
Green- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/aA0dIlyk/tdWZXLIk
Pink- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/mQ5XchUL/f7KPSL0A
Blue- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/6MsHru0w/7Cd9iDWP
Grey- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/KoYD8K9S/bfoz1ouv
First, practice counting forwards and backwards on the hundred square attached. Then see if they can identify one more and one less than any given number.
In today’s lesson we will practice naming and ordering the months of the year then try to put them in order. Click the link to the Oak Academy lesson below.
Then complete purple mash; Days of the week, Months of the year.
Geography - This half term our unit is; Hot and Cold Places of the world. The purpose of geography study is to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world. This unit aims to help children to think geographically and to equip them with some knowledge about the hot and cold places of the world and how these are different from the UK.
Lesson 1 - Our literacy book is called lost and found. Listen to the book on the link below;
Can anybody tell me where the penguin lives?
He lives at the south pole. Which we also call the Antarctic. Hold up a globe (show pictures or view on this link) https://dinosaurpictures.org/ancient-earth#0 showing your child where the Antarctic is.
Opposite the south pole is the north pole. Which is also called the Artic.
This is what our world looks like there is an imaginary line around the middle of the world which is called the equator. The equator is sunnier therefore it is hotter. If you live near the equator it is hot. So, we are going to colour this bit red. This is the warmest part of earth. The poles are furthest away, and they are the coldest places covered with snow and ice.
- Polar bears live at the Artic.
- Penguins live in the Antarctic.
- We live in-between.
Complete the sheet attached. I have attached a blank sheet and a sheet completed by a child so to support you.
I will be monitoring any work set on Purple Mash to see who is accessing home learning. For any other work completed, if you could send me a photo to my email and then we can provide feedback or support.
Home learning is compulsory. I will have to contact parents if no home learning is being accessed. If you are having problems, please contact school or email me with the email address provided above.
Kind regards,
Miss Hargreaves