Lockdown Learning Power Hero
Our Lockdown Learning Power Hero's wonderful learning.
Today we have our last zoom call before being back in school on Monday. The zoom is at 11am and the link has been sent out to parents emails.
Home Learning- Friday 5th March 2021 – PINK CLASS
Please complete today’s home learning as below.
Home learning is compulsory. If you are having problems, please contact school or
email me with the email address provided. Please remember to send me an email at
the end of each day with photos of the learning completed. You can send emails to my email address on the main class page.
Joe Wicks is also back this week at 9am every morning on his YouTube channel. There are also extra physical activity ideas on the PE and Sport page on the website, under the curriculum tab.
Read, Write Inc
If you have not already done so, register for free on oxford owl. Here your child can continue to read books at the correct level. Follow the link below to register.
Mrs Douglas - Red Ditty group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Chadwick - Green group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Hargreaves - Pink group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Yates - Blue group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Wilkinson - Grey group (set 3 sounds)
Red Ditty-
Set 3 Reading ‘ire’-
Set 3 Spelling ‘ire’-
Red Words-
Set 3 Reading ‘ire’-
Set 3 Spelling ‘ire’-
Red Words-
Hold a Sentence-
Set 3 Reading ‘oi’-
Set 3 Spelling ‘oi’-
Red Words-
Hold a Sentence-
Set 3 Reading ‘oi’-
Set 3 Spelling ‘oi’-
Red Words-
Reading Longer Words ‘ea/ee’ –
Set 3 Reading ‘oi’-
Set 3 Spelling ‘oi’-
Red Words-
Reading Longer Words ‘oo’ –
Literacy task for Blue and Grey group
The Lancashire Literacy team have produced weekly units with reading and writing tasks based on a text. This week’s lessons are called Please Look After These Bears! There are extracts read and videos to watch. See attached document.
- Additional reading tasks have been set on Purple Mash if you wish to complete them. This is optional, the above Read, Write, Inc videos are compulsory.
- Read Chapter 5- Daisy and the Memory Box
- Chapter 5 quiz
- Chapter 5 missing words
- Chapter 5 joining words
- Chapter 5 bedroom colour
- Chapter 5 old and new toys
Key Skill
Red, Green or Pink group are learning to how to use an apostrophe to show that something belongs to someone.
Blue or Grey group are learning how to spell and use some tricky words such as 'could' and 'break'.
1. Practice your times tables on Times Table Rock Stars- login is inside your Home Reading Record. You can also play on Numbots. This is the same login as your Times Table Rock Stars.
Times Table Rock Stars:
2. Play ‘Hit the Button’. When you go on the link, click the button ‘Division Facts’. In the column Hit the Answer and divide by 5.
3. In today’s lesson you will be using directional language when moving and giving instructions for someone else to move.
4. There is a task set on My Maths for you to complete. You will have ‘Time’ set for you. Remember you login and password are inside of your Home Reading Record!
This lesson covers discussion about families and people who care for us. If this is a sensitive topic for your child, then please make sure they are adequately supervised. We will identify the people who care for us, this could include a parent, carer, older sibling, or teacher. We will then consider who you could ask for help, if you ever needed it and understand that you might ask different people for help with different things.
Today’s lesson in RE is about New Life and Spring.
Watch the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar in the link below.
This is a story of new life and transformation. The Easter Story is also about new life and transformation, watch the link below.
Jesus’ friends knew that he had died on the cross, they buried him but then they discovered he was risen and alive again.
I wonder how they felt?
Make a list using words and picture of everything you can think of that is a sign of new life and spring. If you have a quick look out of the window you may be able to see buds on the trees, new shoots in the ground, daffodils or birds making nests.
Create a butterfly. Choose your colours carefully. Include sad colours to remember Jesus died and bright happy colours to remember that he came back to life again and is alive with us today. Use the template attached.
Please remember to send photos to our emails of your work!
Kind Regards,
Miss Wilkinson and Miss Yates