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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Key Information

Hello and welcome to Yellow Class.

Arrival time: 8:30am 

Pick up time: 3:15pm

Key Information


Class Teacher: Miss Hargreaves 

Teaching Assistants: Miss Chadwick and Mrs Ditta


PE kits: Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school.


PE and Dance- Wednesday and Friday 


Home Reading: Please ensure your child brings their reading book and record record to school every day.

Books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday when your child has read three times and an adult has signed the reading record.



  • We expect you to read with your child at least three times a week. The more your child reads, the quicker they will build up fluency and accuracy. 
  • Vocabulary homework will be sent home on Wednesday to be returned the following Monday.
  • Read, Write, Inc red words will be given out at the start of each half term on a bookmark. Please practice spelling these weekly. Your child will be tested on them at the end of the half term. 
  • We will also set online homework. 


Water Bottles: We allow children to bring their own water bottles to school that they can refill in the classroom. Please ensure these are clearly labelled. 



Take a look around our classroom.
