Spring 2
Spring 2
Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful and relaxing half term break.
Our fiction unit is a novel with a theme which focuses on the story of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. As part of the unit, the children will explore settings, analyse the plot, characters and vocabulary. At the end of the unit, the children will plan and write their own stories. Following this, they will create their own magazine page which focuses on Automatons.
The children’s weekly leaning this term will have the following sequence:
Week 1 - Multiplication
Week 2 – Measures (length, mass and capacity)
Week 3/4 – Geometry
Week 5 – Fractions
Week 6 – Assessment
This half term, learning is focused on Forces. The children will carry out a range of practical activities to investigate and understand different forces further such as making paper helicopters to understand air resistance.
We will learn about the continent of Europe and focus on the region of The Algarve in Portugal. We will study its physical and human characteristics such as the beaches that make it a popular area for tourism and how this links to the economy. We will also compare the similarities and differences to other tourist regions in Europe.
We will study architecture by focusing on the Empire State Building. We will learn about the art deco style and learn how to draw in 3D. The children will explore different media and they will choose what to use for their final piece.
The children will learn about the Easter story in more detail to focus on how this story is a symbol of victory for Christians. For children to understand this further, we will explore the links of the Easter story to scenes in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis.
The children will explore 3D modelling to understand the features and benefits of computer aided design. We will link this learning to our art unit when exploring 3D shapes.
This term we will continue to learn about safe relationships by exploring appropriate physical contact and what makes us feel safe. We will also learn more about respect by understanding more about prejudice and discrimination.