Autumn Term 2
Let's Celebrate!
Medium Term Plan
Below is the Medium Term Plan for this term, Autumn 2 2020-2021.
This plan:
- identifies the main topic for the term - Let's Celebrate!
- shows how the main topic will be covered over the course of the term (weekly themes)
- lists the Core Texts we shall be using to develop the weekly themes
- sets out the activities for each of the areas to develop the weekly theme
- highlights the purpose for each of the activities (Key Learning)
The 'Key Learning' is taken directly from the LCC produced 'EYFS Planning for Learning for Early Adopter Schools; Skills, Knowledge, Concepts' publication for Lancashire schools. The document sets out the Key Learning (S, K, C'S) for children within the EYFS in all seven areas of learning and development.
Core Texts 'Let's Celebrate!':
- Hovis The Hedgehog
- The Story of Rama and Sita
- Where The Poppies Now Grow
- Birthdays Around The World
- The Story of Hanukah
- The Christmas Story
RE Units this term:
Key Vocabulary: Christmas, Jesus, Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph, donkey, inn, shepherds, star and stable
Understanding Christianity (F2):
Why do Christians perform Nativity plays at Christmas?
What have we been up to this term?
Week Beginning 2nd November 2020
This week we have been learning about Bonfire Night.
We learnt 3 key facts:
- We celebrate Bonfire Night because naughty Guy Fawkes did not succeed with his plan to explode the House of Parliament with King James in.
- We always celebrate Bonfire Night every year on the 5th November.
- We celebrate Bonfire Night with fireworks, sparklers and a big bonfire.
We made firework biscuits on 5th November to celebrate and also spent some time this week creating big firework pictures by splatter painting.

Week Beginning 9th November 2020
This week we have been learning about why we commemorate Remembrance Day. The children learnt about the three core armed forces:
- Army - Land
- Navy - Sea
- RAF (Royal Air Force) - Air
We started writing our letters to the RAF who are on operations abroad over Christmas, to thank them for all they do to keep us safe. The first lot of letters have been posted. You can look at the different aircraft that the RAF use on this link, the children loved looking at them all in class.
We watched the video below during our 2 minute silence on Wednesday, it is a thought provoking video for young children.
Week Beginning 16th November 2020
This week we have been learning about many things. It has been Anti-Bullying Week, World Nursery Rhyme Week and we have also been learning about the Hindu Festival of Lights, Diwali.
There has been a lot of learning for the children this week, so below is one key points from each for you to recap with your child at home.
- Diwali is celebrated by lighting special candles called Divas. This is because in the story of 'Rama and Sita' the people in the city used Divas to light the way home for Rama and Sita after the battle with Ravana, the demon king with 10 heads and 20 arms.
- Simple message from Anti-Bullying week: Bullying is NOT ok!
- We have sung 5 nursery rhymes this week: 'The Wheels on The Bus', 'Five Little Speckled Frogs', 'Hickory Dickory Dock', 'Old McDonald Had A Farm' & 'Miss Polly Had A Dolly'. You can find all the photos and videos from this on the main class page.
Please watch this song by Andy and The Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week 2020
Week Beginning 23rd November 2020
This week we have been learning about how different cultures celebrate birthdays. We recognised that everyone in the world has a birthday, but we all celebrate in different ways, just in Red Class we celebrate our birthdays differently. We found that in Mexico they celebrate by hitting a Pinata at their birthday party. We had our own Pinata in class and all had a go at hitting it to get the contents out, see the pictures below.
Week Beginning 30th November 2020
This week we have been learning about the Jewish 'Festival of Lights' "Hanukkah". the three main facts we learned are:
- The special Jewish symbol is the 'Star of David'.
- Hanukkah lasts for 8 days, because that is how long the oil in the Hanukkah story burned for.
- The special candle Jewish people light during Hanukkah is called a 'Menorah'.
We made our own stained glass candles for the Red Classroom window. You can see these when you pick the children up.

Week Beginning 7th December 2020
This week we have been focusing on practising, filming and retelling the Nativity story.
Please follow the link below to the 'Special Events/Enrichment' page for the 'Nativity'. The video will be posted to the 'Class Worship > Autumn 2' page.