Tuesday 19th January 2021
Today's sheets!
Home Learning- Tuesday 19th January 2021 – YELLOW CLASS
Good morning children
Here is your home learning for today.
Read, Write Inc
If you haven’t already done so, register for free on oxford owl. Here your child can
continue to read books at the correct level. Follow the link below to register.
Ask your child whose group they are in for Read, Write, Inc and then see below for
their Read, Write, Inc level. Some children have changed groups after the Christmas
holidays. The children were in their new groups yesterday, however, if your child
does not know, please email me to ask or contact school.
Mrs Ditta and Mrs Douglas - Red Ditty group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Chadwick - Green group (set 2 sounds)
Miss Hargreaves - Pink group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Yates - Blue group (set 3 sounds)
Miss Wilkinson - Grey group (set 3 sounds)
Click the link below to watch a daily speed sound and spelling lesson. Then read one
book at the correct level on Oxford Owl.
Set 2 Reading ‘ou’
Set 2 Spelling ‘ou’
Set 3 Reading ‘ow’
Set 3 Spelling ‘ow’
Red words (also known as tricky words) need to be practised daily.
Click the link below for this week’s red words matching your child’s reading level
above. These are the same words all week as they need to know these fluently.
Red Ditty- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/qva0mbdY/Cnw1IspG
Green- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/dwrzhm9F/zNocEPal
Pink- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/XJFELGDz/9Utzp0zA
Blue- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/gQQPYhLC/k6DdrITS
Grey- https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/6lGtdyVR/GuSfKJDh
Starter; For today's starter I would like you to play hit the button '5 times tables’. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Main activity – Today’s objective is to ‘Identify numbers on number tracks and number lines.’ Describing and completing number patterns. In this lesson, you will be describing and completing patterns.
Complete the sheet attached
Starter: Play and sing continents song:
Today we are learning all about hot and cold places and how the climate makes them look very different.
Explain that the climate is what the weather is like over a long time. Weather is how hot and cold it is (which we call the temperature) and how much rainfall there is. Rainfall and temperature changes how places look and what plants can grow, and which animals can live there.
Look at power point of different ‘climates around the world’ on Twinkle and ask the children to describe what they see. Explain that they look like this because of their climate.
Desert: Ensure they understand that very few plants grow in deserts because there is not enough water. The plants that do grow like cactus have tough skins and store water.
Arctic: In very cold places there are no plants. Where the snow melts the plants grow close to the ground for protection
Jungle: Jungles are hot and wet which allows plants to grow very big and all year long.
Then complete the sheet attached describing what you can see?
• Rocks
• Sand
• Dry land
• Clear sky
• Cracked ground
• Hot and dry
• Ice
• Frozen water
• Iceberg
• Snowy mountain
• Snow
• Cold and wet
• Tall trees
• Misty
• Green
• Tall trunks
• Hot and wet
• Lots of plants