At St Peter’s we aim for children to become competent users of a range of current technology and software and confident to approach and use new technologies that may emerge. Children will be aware of and able to use computational thinking to look for solutions to and solve problems, not just in computing lessons but in other subjects.
Technology provides an opportunity to express creativity and for children to use software to share their learning in different ways and for children to choose appropriate software to accomplish a task.
Children will be very aware of the importance of staying safe online. We want to model how to use technology responsibly and safely. Children will know some possible dangers that could occur online, how they can prevent them from happening and what to do if they find their online safety is or has been compromised.
At St Peter’s we follow the purple mash scheme of work for computing. This covers the range of knowledge and skills that pupils need to know and have and gives them access to a range of software to help practice and acquire the skills needed to become competent users of computers in their various forms.
The three areas of computing that are covered in each year group through the units covered are: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy, which by the end of KS2 will have met the aims if the national curriculum.
Children will predominantly use ipads during computing sessions to practice and apply their knowledge and skills but will also have access to laptops as well. Through purple mash children are exposed to a range of software for creating written documents, databases, spreadsheets, pictures, music, diagrams and their own games as well as others.
We follow the objectives set out in the ‘Education for a connected world’ document that covers the knowledge and skills needed for Digital Literacy and their ability to be able to use technology and work online safely and responsibly.
Through our delivery of Computing children will become confident and safe users of technology and will be able to transfer some of the skills they have learnt into other areas of their learning. They will enjoy taking part in computing lessons and be challenged to develop their knowledge and skills.
Progress is shown through the work they produce, discussions that are had during the lesson and through a termly pupil voice. Teachers assess based on this, whether children are working towards or at the expected standard.