Autumn 1
Yellow Class - Autumn Term 1
Read Write Inc: Children will be assessed upon returning to school and put into reading ability groups. Pupils will do a speed sound lesson each day and read a text three times on separate occasions. The more frequently your child reads at home, the quicker they will progress through the Read, Write, Inc levels and become a fluent reader. Pupils are assessed every six weeks or more frequently if we feel they need moving on to the next level. You can help your child at home by using the weekly phonics links and reading with them for ten minutes every day.
English: This term we are focusing on simple sentences and the the story 'Harry the Happy Mouse'. We will then create our own poem, songs and rhymes based on this text. We will then write a story with a familiar setting. Please help your child at home by reminding them to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and also remind them to check that their sentences make sense by practicing them orally.
Maths: In Maths, we will start by looking at Number and Place Value. We will move onto Length and Mass/Weight. Next, we will look at Addition and Subtraction and finally we will look at 2D and 3D shape.
Science: In Science we will be learning about the human body and our senses. We will find identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. We will recognise that humans are animals and compare and describe differences in our own features. We will also look at the season of Autumn.
History: In History we will be exploring the changes within living memory. We will explore new toys and toys from the Victorian period. We will use sources to compare and contrast the different toys.
RE: In RE, we will learn about Harvest. Yellow class will focus on how can we help those who do not have a good harvest.
Art: In Art we will explore the work of Andy Goldsworthy and create pictures and patterns in the same style as his work using natural materials from the world around us.
Music: In Music we will be using the Charanga Music Service. Our song is called ‘Hey You!’.
PE: In PE we will be using the Fundamental Movement Skills including catching and rolling. We will also go out for the Daily Mile.
Computing: In computing we will be exploring Purple Mash as well as learning how to stay safe on the internet. Please explore Purple Mash at home using your child’s log in which is in their record record.
PSHE: This term our unit is ‘Living in the wider world’.