New to Year 6
Spelling List
Welcome to Year 6, please find below important information.
PE DAYS: This year our PE days are on Monday and Thursday, with Dance, for the Autumn Term on Thursday.
It is expected that children come to school dressed in PE kits on the above days. PE kits consist of white Tshirts, black shorts or leggings and black trainers for outside PE. School sweatshirts must also be worn on PE days.
READING: Home reading books must be returned AT LEAST 3 times a week. Home reading books are carefully matched to reading ability, with fluent readers being given their own choice of reading book. Should your child find their reading book too challenging or they aren't enjoying it, please let us know.
HOMEWORK: Spellings will be sent home weekly and it is expected that your child practises writing them in sentences. It is essential that times tables are practised regularly. Times tables underpin all aspects of Maths and your child will struggle if they are not fluent with these. Each half term, your child will be given a creative homework challenge. This is usually related to a topic that they will be studying in the upcoming half term.
REWARDS: In Year 6, we operate a rewards system called St Peter's Pennies. These are earned by returning home reading books, completing homework challenges and for being on the Work of The Day board. Our 'shop' will be opened each Friday for the pennies to be spent.
PING: School operates a message system called PING. It is essential that you download the app and have your phone set to receive notifications. Permission for trips and vital information is sent via PING and your child may miss out on trips etc if the message are not read. Please see Mrs Duerden or Mrs Smith in the office if you have any difficult with PING.
WATER BOTTLES: We do not have a sink in Year 6, so water bottles are essential. Please send them filled each day with water, no juice or fizzy drinks allowed.
TIME KEEPING: School starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. Please make sure your child is in school BEFORE 8.45 in order to start their learning. Lateness causes your child to miss important teaching time and interrupts other children's learning.
15 minutes lateness equals one literacy or maths lesson missed each week!