Spring 1
PINK CLASS - Spring Term 1
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone has relaxed over the Christmas holidays and are looking forward to this half term. Read on to find out what we will be up to.
Read, Write, Inc.
The children were assessed before the half term holidays and have been placed in the correct reading level group. Read, Write, Inc lessons will continue daily. For pupils that are not working at the expected level for reading will receive 1:1 Read Write Inc interventions.
This term our learning is based around ‘Traditional Tales with a Twist’. We will explore what the term ‘traditional tale’ means. Then we will explore well known traditional tales, identify well known phrases and act them out. After that we will learn ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster’ by David Conway. Finally, the children will create their own innovated fairy tale disaster.
This half term we will cover: Time, number and place value measurement, addition and subtraction, money, multiplication and division.
In Science we will be continuing our unit of Animals including Humans where we will be finding out about hygiene and medicine. We will also look at the season of Winter.
In Geography, we will learn about seasonal and daily weather. We will learn what a weather forecast is and how to measure the weather, record the rainfall and temperature in our school grounds. We will learn about different types of cloud and will discuss if the weather is the same at different times of the day and in different parts of the UK.
In DT, we will be learning about wheels and axles. We will investigate a variety of vehicles and their uses; investigate wheels, axles and chassis; design and make a vehicle and evaluate our product.
Our RE unit this half term is ‘Jesus, a friend to everyone’. The key questions we will explore are:
- What is a miracle?
- Why are these stories important?
- Why did Jesus welcome everyone?
- I wonder how it felt to meet Jesus?
- What did Jesus want us to learn from his behaviour?
- What do these stories reveal about Jesus?
In PE we will be doing gymnastics and net and wall games. We will also have a dance lesson each week with Helen, our dance specialist.
This half term our computing unit is ‘coding’. The aim of this unit is to understand what coding means, to create unambiguous instructions likes those required by a computer. Alongside this to introduce 2Code (Purple Mash) and be able to create a simple program by the end of the unit.
In PSHE we will be learning about Relationships with a focus on Families and Friendships. We will discuss:
- How to be a good friend
- About different ways that people meet and make friends.
- Strategies for positive play with friends.
- About what causes arguments between friends.
- How to positively resolve arguments between friends.
- How to recognise, and ask for help, when they are feeling lonely or unhappy or to help someone else.
In Music we will learn the song ‘I Wanna Play In A Band’ using the Lancashire Music Service, Charanga.
Mrs Cunningham