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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Summer 2

Green Class – Summer 2


Our first unit this half term will be a classic poetry unit based on the poem, ‘The Spider and the Fly’ by Mary Howitt. In key skills, we will recap our previous learning on inverted commas. We will explore the vocabulary of the poem thinking about the imagery it creates. The children will also explore the characters of the Spider and Fly. During this unit, the children will write in role as the different characters and will write a new narrative story based on different characters. We will also prepare a performance of the poem virtually for parents and live for other classes in school. Linked to this, we will write a letter as a different character that could be used in a new book.


In maths this half term we will briefly revisit column addition and subtraction with exchange, moving onto the grid method for multiplication and using a vertical number line for division. Next the children will be looking at decimal place (tenths). Finally we will revisit fractions and finish with time.


Our Science topic this half term is Plants. The children will be looking at the different parts of the plant and their function, they will think about what plants need to survive and investigate factors that affect plant growth. The children will also look at the importance of the stem in transporting water around the plant. Finally the children will explore how the flower supports the life cycle of  plant, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.


Our Purple Mash computing unit this half term is Coding. Within this unit, the children will understand what a flowchart is and how they are used in computer programming. They will use the repeat command and will design and create an interactive scene.


We will be finishing off learning about earthquakes and volcanoes. Following this, the children will conduct a litter survey in the local area. The children will discuss the effects of litter in the local environment and choose an area they feel needs improvement. We will conduct a litter survey and discuss what steps we can take to make improvements, which could include writing to our local councillor and speaking to local residents and also creating posters to display in the local area.


Our RE unit this half term Proverbs. The children will understand what a proverb is. They will explore the meanings of various proverbs and will think about how proverbs can meaningful still today and how they link with Christian values.


This half term, our French learning will be all about going on a picnic. The children will learn French food nouns and practise asking for things politely. We will recap colours and numbers and learn how to ask and answer questions about where we live.


This half term we will continue our work on Health and Wellbeing. We will begin by recapping on our learning about healthy lifestyles as we are taking part in Healthy Week. We will look at the positive effects of exercise and diet on our bodies and think about the effects of our diet on our oral hygiene. We will then move onto looking at personal strengths and achievements: managing and reframing setbacks. Finally, we will explore risks and hazards in the local environment and in unfamiliar places.


This half term, we will be looking at Structures.


In PE this half term we will be covering a striking and fielding unit playing Cricket and also invasion games, playing handball.


Helen will continue to teach our dance lessons on a Thursday morning.


Our music lessons will continue to be taught by Mrs. Spall on Monday morning.
