Key Information
Spellings are taught regularly in school and your child will be given a 'rule' each week for homework. We are subscribed to where your child has their own log in.
Spelling word list
PE - PE will be on Mondays, swimming on Tuesdays and Dance on Friday.
Please send pumps into school as they will be needed when lessons are in the Hall. PE kits consist of black shorts/leggings and a white Tshirt.
HOMEWORK - this will be set on Wednesdays and completed by the following Monday. Homework will be set through TEAMS - if you have any problems, please see a member of staff, who will be happy to help you.
READING - it is expected that reading books are returning AT LEAST three times a week. Reading logs should be signed by an adult.
PING - please make sure that you are signed up to the PING app. All communication will be via PING, this includes permission for trips etc. If you have lost your log in or are having any problems with the app, please contact Lisa in the office, who will be happy to help you.