Bubble Closure Home Learning
Home Learning - Tuesday 5th January 2021
Friday 9th October
English - On purple mash there are some grammar 2do's for you to complete. Practice using inverted commas for speech. Remember inverted commas go at the start and end of the words that a character says.
Reading - Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the activities to go with it.
Maths - This week has been about addition and subtraction, both mentally and written. Look back through the video links I have put on previous days this week to help you complete the three activities that are on MyMaths for today.
PE - Watch the following link and join in with cosmic kids yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM8NjfCfOg0
RE - Look at the life of Corrie Ten Boom in the powerpoint attached. She believed Jesus’ command to love others. Read about her life and think about the questions at the end of the powerpoint. How did other people show love for others? Choose one of these people and find out about their life and how they showed love and kindness to others. – Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Brother Andrew.
RE - Corrie Ten Boom
Thursday 8th October
English - In school we will be reading the story, 'The treasure of the Loch Ness monster' by Lari Don. Today, you will be writing a description of the Loch Ness Monster in a 2do I have set for you on purple mash. Read the task and look at the features that you need to include in your writing. There is an image of the front cover of the book we will be reading attached with which you can base your Loch Ness monster description.
Reading - Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the activities to go with it.
Maths - Watch the video on the following link- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zdsvcdm It is about checking calculations with the inverse operation. Then complete the activity on MyMaths.
DT - Complete the DT vocabulary quiz I have set on purple mash. Match the word to the defintion. Then, if you are able to, use paper, cereal boxes, toilet roll tubes or whatever materials you have at home to help you create a prototype of a teacher’s desk lamp like we began designing in class. I have attached my own prototype as an example. I haven't decorated mine which is something you might want to do. (Also, don't worry about the electrics, this will be done in school).
Music - Do you know what duration and tempo are in Music? Watch the videos on the following link to find out: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcbkcj6/articles/z3yfng8
English - Loch Ness Monster image
DT - Prototype Lamp
Wednesday 7th October
English - I have set a 2do for you on purple mash to complete called 'The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster'. You will need to download and look at the image in the word document that I have attached below in order to the the task. Read the activity in the 2do and complete the task that is set.
Reading - Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the activities to go with it.
Spellings - Continue to practice your spellings from the word list attached yesterday.
Maths - Watch the following video on column subtraction:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zy2mn39/articles/zc78srd complete the activities on the page as well. Then complete today's subtraction activities on MyMaths.
After you have done that, this video link goes into further detail on column subtraction:
Geography - Have places always looked the same? Has land always been used in the same way or has it changed over time? How might a town change? Read the information sheets below about the town of Scarborough and how it has changed. Now think about Burnley. How might Burnley have changed over time? How did Burnley look in the past? What has changed? Ask family members and carry out research on the internet to find out how our town has changed over the years. Write down what you find out and email it to me.
English - The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster image
Geography Work
Tuesday 6th October 2020
English - I have set a 2do for you to complete on 'Idioms'. Read the activity in the 2do carefully. It tells you what an idiom is and gives you some examples. You need to find out what the idioms I have written mean. You will need this website to help you. https://www.theidioms.com/kids/
Reading - Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the activities to go with it.
Spellings - Continue to practice your spellings from the word list attached at the bottom of this section.
Maths - Watch the following video on column addition:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zy2mn39/articles/z3kmrwx complete the activities on the page as well. Then complete today's addition activities on MyMaths.
After you have done that, this video link goes into further detail on column addtion:
Science - You will need to look at the 'Science work' attachment below to help you. You will need to also use this link which you can use to create your own online electrical circuits:
All of the instructions are in the attachment below. Read it carefully so you know what to do.
PSHE - Go the following website:
It is called 'Am I always responsible for my actions?' Watch the short video and think about your response to each of the questions during the video.
Science Work
Spelling List
Home Learning - Week 2
Monday 5th October
English - Watch the following videolink:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?=p6xIMEEOcK8&list=PLxhSYmj9CJMqYJ0WiSW2tcnEyDz7Oj5SG – It is a film version by Disney
of a poem about the Loch Ness monster called 'The Ballad of Nessie'.
LC: To find the meaning of and understand unfamiliar vocabulary
https://transcripts.fandom.com/wiki/The_Ballad_of_Nessie - This is a transcript of the Ballad of Nessie.
Write down any unfamiliar vocabulary from the text and then use a dictionary or wordhippo.com to find the definitions of each word. Can you use each word in a sentence? Complete this on the 2do I will set for you.
Reading - Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the activities to go with it. Some of you will be starting on a new piece of text.
Spellings - Complete the spelling quiz on purple mash. Then practice any spellings that you get incorrect.
Picture News - Go on the following link to go to this weeks Picture news assembly: https://www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss/2020-10-02/
Think about or discuss with your family members the questions they ask on the video and your response to the main question.
Maths - LC: To add numbers mentally. Watch the following video that explains how to mentally add numbers together. Then answer the addition questions I have set as a 2do on purple mash.
French - Open the French work attachment below and complete the three activities. You will be recapping your knowledge of colour and some animals in French.
PE - Watch the following link and join in with Cosmic Kids Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAT5NiWHFIU
French Work
Friday 2nd October
English – Mr Edgar’s group – Yesterday, you were asked to carry out research into another mythical creature – Bigfoot, and note down the information you found out. Today, I would like you to present the information you have found out in the 2do I have set for you. Think about and try and include: sentence starters, complex sentences, rhetorical questions and the structure of you writing.
Miss Corbishley's group - to continue with and complete yesterday's task, creating your own mythical creature. Also there is a grammar task set for you on purple mash.
Reading – Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the questions and activities to go along with it.
Maths – Go onto MyMaths and complete the multiplying by 10 task. Miss Corbishley's group have some multiplication and division tasks set on purple mash as well.
Computing - I have attached a word document below which tells you what to do this week for coding. I have set 'Free code Gibbon' as a 2do on purple mash for you to do the task.
RE – Look at the 10 commandments I've attached, which is the most important do you think? On a piece of paper write them in order of importance. If God set the 10 commandments today would they be any different? Jesus tells his followers to be ‘light in the world’, what does this mean? How do Christians be ‘light in the world’. Write down your responses to these questions and either email or take pictures and send them to me
Computing Work
The Ten Commandments
Thursday 1st October
English - Mr Edgar's group for English - after learning about the Loch Ness Monster, you are now going to find out about another legendary monster from somewhere else in the world - Bigfoot. Today you are going to carry out research into it and note down any facts you find out as bullet points on the 2do I will set for you, this link may help get you started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0grxBBjJYJw. Miss Corbishley's group - have a look at the activity in the attachment below and complete on the 2do set for you as well.
Reading - Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the questions and activities to go along with it.
Spellings - Continue to practice your spellings from the word list I attached yesterday.
Maths - What are decimals? Watch the video and read the information on this link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsjqtfr/articles/zsbd7p3 Then have a go at the activities and quiz underneath. There is also an activity on MyMaths for you to complete.
DT - We have been learning about electrical systems. Go around your house and make a list of all the electrical systems that you can find. You can draw them to. Do you know how they work? Take pictures of your work and email them to me so I can see.
Music - Watch the videos on the following link that tells us about pulse and rhythm in music. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcbkcj6/articles/z2mqw6f
Can you make your own piece of music with just your bodies?
English work for Miss Corbishley's group
Wednesday 30th September
English – Yesterday you will have started a piece of writing for myself or Miss Corbishley. You needed to remind yourself of the facts you have found out about your monster in class and carry on your own research at home. Then you will have started writing those facts as a magazine article or information sheet. Today, I would like you to carry on with this and try and complete it. Please be aware, a few children handed in their work but there was no work for me to look at. Please remember to save your work. If you are having problems, you could write it out in word and email it to me.
Reading – Read through the next chapter of text on purple mash and complete the questions and activities to go along with it.
Maths – On mymaths you will be practising rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. If you follow this link there are videos that also help to explain how to round to the nearest 10 and 100: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/week-1/
Spellings – I have attached a spelling word list of words for you to practice and test yourself on at home.
Geography – I have set some more 2do's on purple mash where you need to match the UK cities to the correct place on the map and label the English counties correctly. (You may need to use an online map for these). Then you are going to research another place in the UK. Find out about the city of Bournemouth in the South West of England and add your information to the information sheet, also set as a 2do. There is a fun fact section on this link which may help: https://www.bournemouth.co.uk/ideas-and-inspiration/news/2017/7/25/bournemouth-latest-facts-a2472
Spelling List
Home Learning - Week 1
Tuesday 29th September
English - I have set everyone a 2do on purple mash linked to what we have been doing in class. My group are writing their magazine article, read through the activity and look at what to include. You may need to do some research on the Loch Ness monster first if you are struggling to remember some of the facts we found out. Miss Corbishley's group are presenting information on their legendary monster, read the activity description. This may take you a couple of days to complete.
Reading - On purple mash, everyone has been given a book chapter to read and questions to answer about it.
Spellings - I have set spellings to test yourself on on purple mash as well. Please practice any that you get incorrect.
Maths - On MyMaths complete the maths activity that I have set on estimating amounts.
Science - There is another 2do on purple mash called, How a bulb works in a circuit. Think about what we have done in class to complete the activity and also this video clip will help: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zq3fb9q
PSHE - Last week we began discussing the UN 'Rights of the Child' - What rights do you have? Why do you have them? Have a look at a list of them here: https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/content/dam/gb/reports/humanitarian/uncrc19-child-friendly.pdf
Who is responsible for protecting your rights? Think about your response to these questions.