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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Summer 1

Green Class – Summer 1


Our unit is based around the Romans, focusing on non-fiction. The final outcome is an information leaflet. During the unit, the children will undertake research using a range of strategies and will cover various aspects of the Roman period, including Julius Caesar, medicine, the Colosseum and Hadrian’s Wall. They will have several short writing opportunities, including creating poetry, Top Trumps cards and responding to a job advertisement. The main grammar skill this half term will be creating complex sentences using since, until and although.


This half term, we will revisit formal written methods for addition and subtraction using a columnar method and link this to solving problems from bar graphs and missing number calculations. We will also look at mental methods for addition and subtraction, including counting on to find the difference. We will be looking at 2D shape, focusing on angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, sorting and drawing 2D shapes. Finally, we will study time, revisiting minutes to and past, moving onto telling the digital time and solving time problems.


We will complete our learning on Magnets and Forces then our next Science topic this half term is Rocks. We will be comparing and grouping together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties, describing in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock and recognizing that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.


This half term we will complete our design topic based on jewellery. This half term we will also have Art Week. Our artist focus this year is the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso and our art medium is collage. We will look at examples of Picasso’s artwork and create some observational drawings, we will focus on specific aspects of his portraits and create a collaborative piece of collage artwork for the exhibition.


The children will finish the simulations unit where they will explore, analyse and evaluate a simulation. Following this the unit will be branching databases. The children will sort objects using yes/no questions and complete a branching database using 2Question then they will create a branching database.


This half term the children will investigate earthquakes and volcanoes: what they are, why they happen and how they affect the landscape and human activity. They will complete this learning through a study of an area of Italy: Naples.


Our RE unit for this half term is Jesus. The children will think about the impact Jesus had and has on people’s lives. The children will think about the ways in which Jesus changed lives when he was alive and how he has influenced Christians, like Mother Theresa in more modern times.


This half term, our French learning will be all about fruits and vegetables. We will explore the story of the Hungry Giant in French, counting fruits and vegetables and remembering fruit and vegetable noun to write a sentence using a model.


Firstly, we will be finishing off our spring term unit on relationships looking at respectful behaviours and self-respect. Then we will move onto our Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing unit. We will discuss choices that people make in daily life that could affect health, identifying healthy and unhealthy choices and habits that can be maintained, changed and stopped. We will recap on a healthy, balanced diet from Science, the impact of exercise and we will also think about feelings and how we can identify and talk about them.


In PE this half term, we will be covering a striking and fielding unit through rounders and also athletic activities. Green Class will also be swimming on Wednesday afternoons.


Our music lessons will continue to be taught by Mrs Spall on Monday mornings.
